Pandemic pains and pan

December 30, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

There are echoes that haunt panyards. You won’t know about this unless you have entered one and stood behind a pan. So, do not call the police if you see me passing such premises slowly in my car, windows down, one hand cupping an ear as if to capture the failing strap of a loose face mask.

After almost 40 unbroken years of Panorama competitions, pan performances and pan talk, I heard the echo last year as I took my place (“like Boogsie”, I told everybody) behind Birdsong-branded double seconds and between the instructions of the incomparable Derrianne Dyett, and the discordant jumble of other beginners.

Who could have told then what the future had in store for all of us?

The year 2020 came to test pan, both as a musical instrument and as an agent of social cohesion and change, in ways not previously experienced or envisaged. Even in its manifestation as the best thing we do, tougher challenges would have been extremely hard to find.

A determined pandemic barely missed Panorama 2020, but its careful management has ensured that in 2021, the practice of pan will comprise invention and ingenuity – qualities that have given the instrument its true value both as creative platform and as largely unrealised economic prospect.

We too often do not recognise that the world’s best pan manufacturers, players, tuners, arrangers, and innovators reside right here among us – riding the maxi taxis, teaching in our schools, administering medication in our hospitals, advocating in court, generally contributing to public life as regular citizens but also working and earning from the practice of pan.

True, there are those who resent its egalitarianism and some who assign to it narrow ethnic cleavages. But there is no doubt that the steelpan is the most widely played musical instrument in T&T and is a gift we have given to the world.

Its pervasive presence also stands in sturdy defiance of VS Naipaul’s once wildly uninformed claim that our story as a people is problematic since “history is built around achievement and creation (and) nothing was created in the West Indies.”

It could not have been that the famed author had not at some enlightened moment in his youth deduced that in the underdeveloped tinny sounds that often broke the Woodbrook silence, resided a story of the conquest of adversity and the triumph of joy.

It is not that we have always got things right. The annual Panorama competition has at different times been described as the best and the worst thing to happen to pan. Both sides are worth a careful listen, especially now that prohibitions that will persist well into the New Year, offering a challenge some have already conceded.

As Peter Ray Blood reminded some of us a few days ago, “by now, the stage and North Stand, and South Quay Stand would have been built. This time last year Panorama had already started. I have a tabanca.”

Even so, the search for pan in the pandemic has not been an altogether onerous exercise. On Christmas Day, Desperadoes brought us a high-quality programme, and Starlift presented its Virtual Concert. Players/arrangers such as Duvone Stewart, Leon “Smooth” Edwards, Len “Boogsie” Sharpe and others have kept things flowing over these coronavirus months.

The virtual world has also highlighted the likes of younger Turks such as Zahra Mawusi Lake of Antigua, Andre White in the US, and Aviel Scanterbury of T&T. We have been able to listen to Dane Gulston and Mikhail Salcedo, among the more seasoned.

The point I am making is that the practice of pan has neither been paused nor brought to a halt because of the pandemic. But it has certainly changed and will continue to change.

This year, we also said thank you and farewell to Hugh Borde, Neville Jules, Hanny Leon, “Tash” Ash, Nervin “Teach” Saunders, Denzil “Dimes” Fernandez, Jomo Wahtuse, Clifford “Rope” Alfred, Karen Codrington, and Milton “Wire” Austin.

‘When Steel Talks’ has listed all of these and more ( We need to find the occasion to share special thoughts about all of them. There aren’t enough words here to express what needs to be said. There’s all of 2021 to do so. Their names are in the echoes we hear.


Three little boys on the ocean

December 2, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

There are some subjects best left to the poets and dramatists and musicians and visual artists whose deft touch can straddle emotion and the rigours of reason at the stroke of a single moment or line. Issues well out of the reach of the disciplines of law, politics and journalism. Equations that defy the arithmetic of known logic and the dicta of organised religion.

Since the events of last week, I have therefore been turning to Victor Edwards’ Takdir on the question of migrant journeys. To Wayne Brown on matters of the troubled ocean. And to Pablo Neruda on love and the sea.

To Victor I present the makings of a script that echoes Gurusammi’s fateful voyage. To Wayne, a child of the sea. To Pablo, the troubled strait that took its name from a genocidal European explorer.

For Victor I offer as opening scene three little boys set sail on the ocean – Aylan (3), Felipe (8) and let’s call the other one Hugo or Pablito.

Pablito, the landlubbing seafarer. We don’t know his age, but he wore a Spiderman t-shirt in the newspaper. We couldn’t see his face because he kept staring at the tears that reached the wet ground when he landed.

Sternward, in the growing and increasingly dark distance, can be seen the ruinous flames of a collective death – Joshua’s fabled Hazor, to those who this season sing of Baby Jesus and claim to know why.

To the bow, the tentative promise of life. Aylan’s parents raised $5,860 for the trip. His mother wears a life vest later found to be “ineffective.” She dreams not of shopping malls and romantic rendezvous with strangers speaking strange languages but yearns for peace and safety.

Little Aylan wears a red t-shirt and dark blue shorts. New suede shoes for the journey to a new life. His mother sings him lullabies through the stormy night.

Felipe has not stopped coughing since they left the soggy, wooded makeshift port. He has had the flu. He’d earlier been separated from his parents for “processing” and now he is running a high fever and shivers each time the rain comes down on the open vessel.

Then there’s Hugo. He’s hard to miss as the boat sways wildly in the wind and rain and Mr Spiderman casts imaginary webs to tame the wild ocean.

You put them all on an open pirogue under an angry sky, at which point all that went before and all that happens after pale into insignificance as counterbalances on perspective. Three little boys on a boat in the ocean.

You wonder if in freezing the moment and stripping it of context you reach the core, the raw elements of what adults describe as “rights.” At the very moment that the giant wave arrives there is little behind both horizons, since though there is a relativism attached to many rights, there is an absolutism that flows from all – the “fundamental” cast in law versus the universality and indivisibility of human rights.

The experts make the distinction far less clearly than the water colourist at her palette. Suddenly, “how dem reach there?” and “who put dem there?” become as irrelevant as the burning shore to the west and the three cloudy peaks to the east.

There is no “other take”. No “perspective” apart from the fact of three little boys on a boat on the ocean. Nicolás, in thick rubber boats had kicked the boat from its moorings and turned away while muttering insults at people who weren’t there.

On the other shore, faceless, leaderless “authorities”, regular folks, and friends of the sea shouting cusswords and waiting with steel-tips to kick the vessel back. No more room at the inn. No more space for any boarders. “Send dem back. Send dem back” – as elections slogan. As potent as the command to a firing-squad. As murderous as official confusion and cluelessness.

Anna Levi writes: “Pablito like an ornament in his birth blanket/Asleep with his angels/Fallen overboard/Tumbling with the tides/A moment of silence.”

Sometimes, you turn to poetry and music and art to explain and to help turn away from depravity. Sometimes, you think of three little boys on the ocean. And, suddenly, they are gone and there is nothing and no one else in the world.

Footnote: In memory of Aylan Kurdi of Syria and Felipe Gómez Alonzo of Guatemala. Thinking of “Pablito” of Venezuela.

Language, class and status in the pandemic

Peshenwengweng and the zessers

Novenber 25, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

Contemporary pop culture is particularly unmerciful on those who blink slowly. In no time at all, the word “jackass” becomes a verb and “peshenwengweng” enters as onomatopoeic depiction of the sound bullets make - having up to that point missed their intended or collateral targets.

The use of “Gen C” (“C” being the coronavirus) to refer to children born after January 1 this year is also already picking up steam online and “LOLsob” is now shorthand for an experience that can make you laugh (out loud) and cry at the same time.

Some of us have become chronic LOLsobbers and may require medication, I must confess. It is a condition which accompanies the feeling that if you don’t laugh about something you would be inclined to cry.

I was even seeing where there is a word to describe that moment after having placed an Amazon order, you remember something else you needed to buy. It’s called “Amazheimer’s.” By now, we also know who is a “maskhole”. Saw lots of them at Curepe Junction last weekend, walking down the street. The “Covidiots”.

I was led to all this “kangkalang” (my late father, and not Keith Rowley, taught me that word many, many years ago) when considering current application of the word “zesser”.

It appears that “zessing” has itself been the subject of linguistic evolution. Slow blinkers like myself completely missed the moment when being a “zesser” turned from being cool (while at the same time being somewhat excessive in fashion and deportment) to be a mostly negative socio-cultural descriptor focused on ethnicity and class.

“What is the difference,” several Facebookers were asking on Sunday, “between a zesser party and a (regular) party (or fancy wedding or DDI lime)?” The responses did not vary widely and all focused on “who” participates and “where” such events occur despite the pandemic.

Even the police commissioner offered a definition of his own within the context of what he considers to be the role of the police in the face of what is unlawful and, not necessarily, what might be entirely “wrong” given the current context.

At that point, I am minded to consider the profound nature of the issues that application of the word has been forcing us to engage. I liken it to the euphemistic use of place names such as “Laventille”, “Caroni” and “Westmoorings” – almost as potent as openly racist use of the “N” and “C” words, Chinee, Veneez, Seereeyann, and “de wonpasent”, but nuanced to include factors such as social class, official rank and generational privilege.

“Zessing” is thus a fairly complex phenomenon combining concepts of ethnicity, geographic location, money and class. It also embraces legal principles associated with private, commercial and public ownership and occupancy. “Zessing” is not applicable, for instance, when an activity occurs on private property and involves people who are of the “knife and fork” variety from “Laventille”, “Caroni” or other areas.

Lawful congregating (whatever the numbers or level of risk) must also meet the standards of property ownership, money spent (“ka-ching ching”), aesthetics, cost of food served, and music played.

No better occasion than the height of a pandemic to unmask subterranean tensions, privilege and entitlement. Significantly, we have also been exposed to how such issues routinely resonate within official circles.

The early targeting of the Sauce Doubles outlet at Curepe and not the fast food franchises across the road. The removal of Fatboy doubles from the service station. The youngsters face down on the sand. Fishermen blocked at the beach. The needless and tedious legal lesson on private versus public spaces.

It all came down to the incomparable Dr Avery Hinds on Monday to unveil the dreaded equaliser. No politician. No business chamber. No trade union. No NGO. No lawyer. No police commissioner. Just a committed medical professional and the grim truth. It sounded more like a “waddap” than a “peshenwengweng” – finding its mark with great accuracy and impact.

Dr Hinds politely avoided the use of “jackass” as a verb, but he clearly suggested that “tout moun” was the phrase being qualified. Whether you zessed in Caroni or partied in Valsayn the virus could care less. A message quite neatly packed in our collective pipe for smoking. A shot on target.


Of ruinous celebratory battlefields

November 18, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

I am sure I am not the only person noting that the Police willfully refuse to administer the law and/or moral suasion when it comes to the high incidence of dangerous noise pollution and the ensuing “public nuisance” at set times of the year.

Yes, I am suggesting that officers know when and where the bamboo-bussing (that too), fireworks and firecrackers are being discharged and they make a conscious decision not to intervene. This was the case over the Divali weekend and will again be the case in a few weeks.

I highlighted the “public nuisance” impact of the use of explosive substances at the top of this column because I am fully aware that in many instances their possession and use alone may not be actionable in a court of law. The Commissioner of Police made the point some time ago.

But the Summary Offences Act [Chapter 11:02] exists as a basis for police action on more than one count, including claims of “public nuisance”. This has been clarified from different angles by the EMA, the CoP himself and, repeatedly, by many others.

The fact though is that even in the absence of such knowledge or commitment, officers at police stations around the country know that pets harm themselves, run away and are severely traumatised whenever the neighbourhood blasts begin.

They are fully aware of the fact that the aged and infirm suffer through the days and nights when their communities are transformed into ruinous, celebratory battlefields littered with improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

It cannot be that the Police see no role for themselves when such pain and discomfort are being experienced. It cannot be that reliance on the fine points of law is the only trigger for official, preventative action against harm.

That said, whatever happened to the Explosives (Prohibition of Scratch Bombs) Order 2018? How many charges have been laid? How many convictions have been secured over the two years of its existence? Let’s have a look whenever boastful crime stats are next released.

Now, I don’t think it is the case that police officers are bad people. In many instances, they are among the most dedicated, selfless people in the world. I think the problem is that most of them, as is the case with many regular citizens, believe that at certain times of the year people need a little bligh to do things that are in keeping with things associated with presumed culture and tradition.

Therefore, on the evening of December 31, 2020 – COVID or no COVID, whatever the “zero tolerance” statements by politicians and the Police, the Seasonal Blitz can and will descend upon most of us again.

I have witnessed the blows repeatedly, and unfairly, administered upon the EMA for what many believe is abandonment of the country’s Noise Pollution Control Rules (NPCR).

As an aside, I came across an audit of noise complaints under the NPCR some year ago. Some of the main sources of concern included: Stereos/Radios (67%); Bars (12%); Welding/fabricating activities (5%); Air conditioning units (3%); Religious activities (2%); Compressors/generators (2%).

Not making excuses for the EMA, but basic research would find that the NPCR operate under regulatory guidelines that are not always applicable in instances where itinerant users of pyrotechnics and manufacturers of IEDs are active.

Yes, we have the Police, and we have the EMA, but there are also strong roles for civil society and faith-based organisations, communities and citizens in their own private right on this matter. It’s not only about Police and law.

This continued slur on our humanity persists because we are afraid to confront some painful truths about ourselves. COVID-19 is providing some guidance when it comes to such matters. When the smoke clears, let’s see progress on this one.

In the meantime, prepare for blast-off over the course of the next month and a half. Keep the pets safe. Keep Granny and Grandpa and ill relatives and friends out of the line of fire. Thankfully, we are already doing this for COVID reasons. Sadly, in this case, there are eminently manageable solutions we have chosen to ignore.


Popping the Caricom bubble

November 11, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

Last Saturday, PM Rowley did not bother to spend much time elaborating on the reasons behind the popping of the proposed Caricom travel bubble in the midst of the pandemic.

In short, as he and his regional colleagues have all explained in equally terse terms, there are anomalous approaches to COVID-19 occasioned by a variety of structural, socio-economic realities.

This offered the prospect of an irresistible metaphor on the state of the integration process.

I was drawn to consider such matters recently while addressing a group of post-graduate UWI students on what I thought of the “conflicting (developmental) agenda” of “Caribbean media discourses” in the face of what is now recognised to be an environment characterised by “diverse voices.”

It turned out to be a huge challenge to contemplate a notion of contrived “media discourses” with recognisable impacts on a sense of Caribbean identity and development.

I had to turn to my 25-year-old son and some of his profound and moving observations on the state of the nation as related to BC Pires in another newspaper.

These included the following statement: “Trinidad hasn’t been around long enough, as a country, to even really figure out what direction we’re going in. That means we can make it absolutely anything we like. It’s not even a choice we have to make.”

It could be that Mikhail remembers me, even in his early childhood, repeatedly regurgitating CLR James’s thesis on the absence of “ancient habits” to explain the unfolding story of young nations.

Though I recognise there are many who do not acknowledge a Caribbean paradigm or destiny, it is clear that this space will continue to be “home” for the vast majority of us.

I however advised the UWI group to tread wisely along the path of “identity” particularly when we have found ourselves not only to be in the world, but to have the world in us.

I believe there is nothing esoteric or detached from lived reality to engage such questions, especially at a time of social and economic crisis. There are practical assignments to be engaged. Tangible deliverables to produce.

For example, the requirements of a “single (Caricom) market” and, eventually, a “single (Caricom) economy, require studious attention to what is being defined as conditions of socio-economic singularity.

Who are the “I’s” and “We’s” of this collective? Is there really a coherent ethnogeographic reality to be captured through official diagnosis and prescription?

A quick quiz. How many of us know that the people of Belize are today choosing a new government? That the constituency of St George North in Barbados is electing an MP … as we speak? Do we know how many constituencies were contested at the elections in St Vincent and the Grenadines last week? Do we know who “we” are?

It is not all our fault as mere constituents, though. As I reminded the UWI folk last week, the Caricom project has tended to (erroneously and disproportionately) direct socio-cultural attention to the cricket-playing Commonwealth Caribbean.

This is so despite the fact that in Belize, The Bahamas, Haiti and Suriname, cricket is not as highly considered as elsewhere and is absolutely irrelevant as a developmental signpost. This is a bubble already popped.

Even so, there is also the question of whether there is a recognisable common aesthetic to be captured.

In 1994, the West Indian Commission (WIC) cited the attributes of “aboriginal decimation”, the “institution of slavery”, “the crucible of plantation life” and “colonialism which deepened the sense of economic and political powerlessness even while it reinforced the inheritance of struggle against injustice and the yearning after self-determination.”

I would contend it’s all of the above and more. That if in the post-pandemic Caribbean we were to reconvene the WIC, quite a different narrative would need to be explored. This does not mean that all has fallen down or that the integration bubble has popped. It means we now probably have newer choices in carving a better destiny of our own.

Too good to be true

November 4, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

Growing up in a business-oriented family teaches you several things. Among them is that if a deal appears too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true.

This realisation comes up against at least three main dynamics to which people both in their private lives and in business are subject, particularly at times like these. These include economic necessity, greed, and a lack of confidence in the formal financial sector.

The COVID-19 experience has intensified conditions of real economic need, the greed of those who recognise such a vulnerability, and the malignant behaviour of the commercial banking sector.

As more than a simple aside, we should have known that the banking confidence problem is far more pervasive than previously thought when millions of dollars in cash were somehow found to be cashed-in last year in exchange for new $100 bills.

Under all of these conditions, average everyday folks become prone to predatory behaviour in the form of deals that sound too good to be true and are operated by opaque people and organisations unable to publicly declare the source of promised, excessive returns.

But it is not enough to know who these people are, or that receipts are being produced or that ledgers are being kept. A key question must focus on the true source of the extraordinarily high returns.

If, when asked, such operators are unable to satisfactorily explain the process through which $100 becomes $1,000 – and it is not from advantageous money-lending, money-laundering or some form of magic - then it would not require much of an acquaintance with the principles of financial literacy to raise a massive red flag.

If the response is that the $900 return on an investment of $100 is subject to the investments of new entrants to the scheme, you have the classical conditions for operation of a “pyramid” or “Ponzi” scheme. There are differences between the two, but my father used to describe such operations as the process of digging one hole to fill another.

The larger the operating space, the longer the excavating of an eventually unfillable hole would take. For example, people who invested their money in the enterprises run by Allen Stanford came from an extensive international pool.

It took aggressive, enlightened policing to uncover the true nature of the scheme, or else it would have continued for a much longer time. In the end, over 18,000 people lost their money.

The PR was on point and the environment welcoming to the gentleman who is now serving a sentence of 110 years for operating an elaborate Ponzi scheme. He is known to have financially rescued the government of Antigua and Barbuda several times and once famously landed a helicopter with a treasure chest of cash on the wicket of Lord’s Cricket Ground. The fact that it was all fake US$ cash on board the helicopter was rich with ominous symbolism.

There are other spectacular Caribbean examples where the same principle of digging one financial hole to fill another applied. People who keep an eye on these things in T&T and Jamaica can instantly call the names of enterprises that eventually ran out of hole-filling space after promising above-market rates of return on investments.

Within the last few months, this also occurred at a smaller scale in Barbados and Guyana where the financial terrain is much more limited. I have myself seen text messages that describe the agony of people who have lost pension lumpsums and substantial savings.

This is not easily dismissible as acts of greed on the part of most “investors/subscribers/members”. These are seriously challenging times for a lot of people who do not believe they can or will be adequately accommodated by the formal financial services sector.

What is probably needed is an honest civil society player to broker a process of financial literacy awareness building. Sadly, people are not inclined to gravitate toward officialdom, the banks or politicians when it comes to reliable guidance on such matters.

While we await such an intervention, there are people whose trust stands to be betrayed. Those who believe there is political or sectarian advantage to be gained by all of this can also probably be described as being as cruel and as vile as those who promote these schemes as something of real benefit. 

A United States of the Caribbean

October 21, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

Few of us in my small circle of friends were able to avoid Barbados prime minister Mia Mottley’s address to the virtual opening of the first Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Pivot Event last Friday. I have been tagged and spammed and Whatsapped on it numerous times. Have you?

There is little doubt that for a very long time, the regional integration project has not benefited from such eloquent support from a practicing, office-holding politician, especially when the subject is being dissected into the constituent elements of actionable agenda items.

This is notwithstanding the fact that at successive Caricom events our leaders, without exception, pronounce ritualistically and ambitiously on the prospects for a heightened level of regional cohesion.

Just listen to them when they meet again at the COVID-delayed annual summit on October 29.

I have been around long enough to have heard for myself the offerings of politicians in office, from Manley to Manning, on this question of a collective destiny for the Caricom version of the Caribbean.

In the late 80s I was also at the St Lucian edition of Regional Constituent Assembly (RCA) consultations on a political union of the Windward Island states comprising Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Yes, there were the deliberations of the West Indies Commission, but the RCA discussions were deep and sincere and absolutely meaningful.

However, the form a Windward Islands union ought to take proved difficult to negotiate and Grenada, from my reading of the RCA’s final report of 1992, was not included among those supportive of the notion of a “unitary state”.

The other forms explored included a federation along the lines of the ill-fated West Indies Federation of 1958 - 1962, and a confederal system à la Canada for which now-prime minister but then-opposition politician Dr Ralph Gonsalves strenuously argued.

I have noted the Vincentian leader’s thinking on this has now evolved into one more reflective of the regional realpolitik.

There were also discussions, during the RCA meetings, on various constitutional models including arrangements borrowed from Westminster, a “Swiss-type” executive presidency and the “US-model”.

Yes, Windward Islands politicians and civil society representatives went so far as indeed the Shridath Ramphal led West Indian Commission which also published its report, Time for Action, in 1992.

But PM Mottley chose not to open that particular box. Instead, she proposed in her IDB address a regional “collective” mandated to execute a joint Caribbean developmental “pivot” employing the advantage of “scale.”

In that sense, while Ms Mottley proposed a transactional shift from disparate efforts to a more synergetic approach, she studiously avoided the far more difficult but ultimate question of whether the 15 Caricom emblems should not someday become a single flag.

For, this is far more than a crisis-led economic “collective” and calls for a sense of “cultural confidence” in excess of the current stocks.

This is not all pie-in-the-sky, though. There was much to its discredit, but the West Indies Federation offered a political and economic channel to joint independence that we refused.

It can even be argued that as colonies the prospect of total collapse did not exist as it does now. The buffer of imperial support no longer exists, economic structures have been found to be brittle, the multinational institutions are exhausted, and the proceeds of reparations won’t guarantee continued viability. It has in fact taken pandemic conditions to remind us of these intrinsic fragilities.

Today, we also have Guyana, which was not a member of the federation. It is however now a key member of Caricom on the cusp of economic leadership of the region – whatever its self-destructive politics and the irresistible temptation to consider destinies outside of the regional project.

In any event, the next step toward a single flag has to begin with the actions of a “coalition of the willing” – a moniker increasingly assigned to our regional assignments. COVID-19 has changed some of this, if only because the survival dynamics dictate compulsion.

From January 1, it’s T&T’s turn at the Caricom helm. Those who had previously denied the movement’s relevance are now scrambling to the table … for the time being at least. All eyes will be on PM Rowley. Will he direct us all to the single flag?

Our developmental co-morbidities

October 14, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

The application of a now familiar medical term to matters of social and economic development is no concoction of my own. I first heard “pre-existing conditions” used in such a context by an ILO official when describing the effective collapse of labour markets in Latin America a few weeks ago.

On Friday, I deployed such usage as part of a question to a World Bank official who had offered to Caribbean journalists a sub-regional diagnosis indicating a combination of potentially fatal symptoms.

These include high public debt, deformed official institutions, pervasive informality, ubiquitous economic single-baskets and brittle sectoral structures.

Surely, I had suggested, such conditions needed to be nuanced against peculiar regional antecedents. For, certainly, afflictions of the viral kind present themselves differently from patient to patient.

The informal sector in some Caribbean countries, for example, appears to have generally coped with the more extreme effects of the earliest interventions.

This has been so, I would have thought, in the absence of burdensome overheads, minimal social and business costs, and other structural factors that have correspondingly led to permanent closures within the established formal sector. The WB’s Martin Rama politely suggested that I did not have such a good case.

Much like the ILO spokespersons before him, there was the argument that the absence of strong social protections among workers in the informal sector creates conditions for critical imbalances - low average wages and weaknesses in human capital and health systems.

This is an important side issue (which I believe requires closer contextual study) since it emphasises the now popular dictum that while the pandemic has found the world floundering on the same troubled ocean, we clearly occupy and operate vastly different vessels as nations, as discrete communities and as sectors.

So it is, I presume, at Couva and Caura and Arima within the parallel health system where COVID-19 patients are being monitored and treated. There, particular emphasis is placed on vulnerabilities occasioned by “pre-existing conditions” - no two patients being the same.

The fact though is that the pandemic met us in already poor socio-economic shape. Most of us in the Caribbean have been in the High Dependency Unit (HDU) for some time while others were already destined for the ICU – however delusional we have been on questions of long-term viability.

Tourism, offshore financial services, special access agriculture and global energy markets have the potential to function as unstable single-pillar structures.

The reality is that whatever we think of ourselves from the loft of relative wealth, T&T is mortally challenged by some of the more persistent pre-existing economic conditions.

The current period has lifted the veil on our vulnerabilities – conditions that influence the ways of governance in all its facets – public, communal and private.

This is particularly true if we were to look at the psycho-social issues of self-esteem, class and ethnic prejudice, and other wounds of a colonial past that cohere in the form of cultural co-morbidities.

Here is to be found the “soft-tissue” of self-awareness – cognitive dissonance expressed as clinical symptom. A pathology of diminished confidence. The slow suicide of self-hatred.

From time to time during the course of our pandemic measures, such afflictions have emerged. The doubles vendor in his new premises is shut down while the brand name chicken outlet remains untouched.

High-rise partygoers get the bligh, while others taste asphalt and learn the smell of guns. The beach ban is taken to the level of legal technicality and verbose debate, even as others make it to social media face-down like marooned Carite on the shore.

The best insights on the way forward for the world point to a slowing of globalisation, increasing digitisation and an international economy marked by striking inequalities. There is the prospect of things getting much worse before the uptick to better days – vaccine or no vaccine.

This is a different world. Pre-existing conditions exacerbated by the excesses we mistook for modernism are in our veins. The call to personal and collective communal responsibility is a relevant as ever.

This is not unlike the challenge of two centuries ago when we needed to claim our freedom and our future. In some areas we have not done that badly, but we’re clearly not yet there. There are co-morbidities to eliminate. There is a survival agenda to pursue.


Finding the leaders

September 23, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

I must confess that though I have served in senior positions in the media, at the community level, and within professional organisations, I am not naturally inclined to gravitate toward lectures and events focusing on leadership development and practice.

No fanciful modernistic MBA stuff or post-mortem adulation for me. For I have found that the conversations these things often generate tend to omit important features of how our societies actually work.

Ironically enough, it was former Jamaica prime minister PJ Patterson who remarked at a Bocas Lit Fest panel on the weekend, that it is difficult to distinguish the accomplishments of Caribbean politicians, without at the same time examining the role of senior public servants.

Kyron Regis’s superb reportage on the event in Monday’s edition of this newspaper captures this dynamic of Patterson’s evaluation of Caribbean leadership – samples of which are found in abundance in the former PM’s autobiographical My Political Journey.

Officeholders, you see, are not necessarily analogous to the nominal status of “leaders”. We see it every day. Many commentators have made the point about the police commissioner. It’s a point to be made about politicians, as well.

Now, I am not about to go all MBA on you, but my point is that in the Caribbean (and I suppose elsewhere) there has been a tendency to assign to politicians, professionals, academics, religious heads, and other elite groups, the automatic mantle of “leadership.”

This is so when, in fact, their most important developmental functions have to do with providing a facilitating environment for “grassroots” leadership – to use another term I also do not like, but which captures the essence of where I’m going with this.

In these pandemic days, this has come into view far more starkly than it has in the past. Business leadership, for instance, has largely emerged from our small and micro-enterprise sector in terms of its ability to readily adapt to brand new conditions.

There is the mask-making industry that sprung up overnight with outstanding results. The “curb-side” deliveries of fruit and vegetables. The emergence of online sales platforms employing basic, everyday social media channels.

Entertainers have filled important voids with music, poetry and dance. There was no ministry of culture. No ministry of food production. No ministry of industry. Just regular folks doing their thing. Providing “leadership.”

Teachers, nurses, doctors, journalists, garbage collectors, supermarket attendants, farmers, fisherfolk, street food producers, small entrepreneurs, tailors, people simply doing what they do. Responding creatively and imaginatively to unprecedented times.

Okay, so this can also be viewed as a function of a society that has been designed and re-designed by people in political control. It might also correspondingly be a function of the state as “tireless mother” – that contentious ideological descriptor.

I am not sure. The university folks have probably studied this to death. But all I wish to place on the table is the view that political office does not necessarily equate “leadership.”

Mr Patterson, for instance, presided over the government of Jamaica between 1992 and 2006 as a sworn integrationist. There is no doubt about this. My question to him on Saturday was: How come, in 2018, the (Bruce) Golding Report unveiled fundamental, pervasive, multi-sectoral questions surrounding his country’s embrace of the Caricom project? There was no time for an answer.

Then there was Godfrey Smith on the Grenada Revolution and his paean to the leadership of Maurice Bishop. I have only read the published extracts, but Smith’s favourable verdict on Bishop would have had to ignore the excesses of a failed experiment. It could not have been all everybody else’s fault. Not even Bernard Coard’s.

I also asked Alissa Trotz about reconciling the late, iconic Andaiye’s views on political and social transformation based on her early engagement as a thought-leader within the Working Peoples Alliance (WPA) of Guyana – an organisation from which she would later break. This, in the context of the organisation’s rapid descent into virtual irrelevance in the face of its participation in the embattled and unfortunate APNU+AFC ruling coalition of 2015-2020.

This region needs to look again at “leadership” and think long and hard about what we mean by it. Who, in fact, is there to lead our advance out of troubled waters. What are the desired positive outcomes.

I suspect we are looking in the wrong direction, and at the wrong set of people.

On Raymond Watts

September 16, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

I never got around to confessing to musician-turned-political philosopher Raymond Watts, but I was hopelessly lost trying to find him at his Diego Martin flat on March 23, 2018.

Yet, I had to maintain the confident disposition of someone who had prepared extensively for an interview on weighty matters.

“You found the place okay?” he asked. “Oh yeah. No problem.” I lied because I did not want to complain about having received the worst directions in the history of journalistic navigation.

En route, I had been thinking about an opening salvo that sounded erudite and profound. Not the stuff of a lost easterner who had run low on gas, had encircled the area twice, and threatened to head back home.

By the time I found the place, my mental notes had disappeared. There was to be a short, pointed, opening observation then a question about how, as a Trini musician, Watts had landed himself in the middle of revolutionary and intellectual celebrity in 1960s London and Montreal.

Then, there he stood at the gate, head craning as a child toward an ice cream van. There was parking inside – “they not coming back now.” No dogs – “not mine.” We had to rush inside because the rain was coming.

Raymond Watts

Watts had sat at the feet of CLR James during the legendary London sessions with regulars and non-regulars such as Wilson Harris, Andrew Salkey, Norman Girvan, Walter Rodney and Sam Selvon.

As an unlettered musician who worked the transit system and factories, he laid claim to having “a terrible inferiority complex in that environment.”

I initially had in mind a first-hand account of what actually happened at the epochal Montreal Congress of Black Writers of 1968. 

It was a moment in history described by David Austin in ‘Fear of a Black Nation: Race, Sex and Security in Sixties Montreal’ as having chaotically converged the forces of the Black Power Movement in the Americas.

The International Conference of Negro Writers and Artists (Présence Africain) hosted in Paris in 1956 and in Rome in 1959 had by then fertilised a global, political movement. Dr Eric Williams attended the 1959 version and other headliners included people such as George Lamming, Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon.

Watts wasn’t there, but he came to know the names and ideas through CLR and while working on the London trains and production lines, and gigging as a percussionist with famed T&T/Venezuelan musician Edmundo Ros.

From the minute he landed in Montreal years later – having consumed more than a little of CLR’s hybridised version of Black Internationalist Marxism – he was committed to, at minimum, attending a North American/Caribbean version of the Paris and Rome conferences.

There is disputed credit for the seeding of the Montreal idea, but Watts’ claim provided sufficient detail and texture to qualify his version.

He had to have been doing much more than name-dropping when he mentioned Lloyd Best’s rescue of the conference. Best was also later to (typically and disruptively) complain of too little speaking time at the event.

There was, as well, the Black Panthers’ troublesome participation. They had grumbled about “too many white people” and convened a rowdy, parallel event at the same venue.

Then came the drama surrounding Walter Rodney’s delayed departure from Canada following a Jamaica ban and the fear of assassination should he return to Guyana.

The conference ended in predictable confusion. Apart from Austin’s account, there is no cohesive record of what transpired. Watts earned passing mention as the guy who led the Raymond Watts Combo at the official opening of the conference.

The hours spent during two sittings with Watts in 2018 however yielded a far more intimate connection with the circumstances before, during and after an event that helped change black activism in this part of the world.

Watts was Black Lives Matter Caribbean style before our current awkward engagement of the slogan in these parts. In 2011, he published From Colonialism to Capitalist Democracy: A Failed Option for Trinidad.

I tried to reach him several times since the 2018 encounters. He had moved. He was ill. There was an issue with his phone.

On September 1, his faithful comrade Rae Samuel found the 82-year-old revolutionary dead in an Arima apartment where he lived alone. I received the text message. There are times when you are lost.

(A video recording of portions of the interview with Watts can be found here:

Health equity and privilege in the pandemic

September 9, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

From the very blurry start, it was always evident that apart from preventing and/or managing its propagation, a principal objective of our national COVID-19 strategy has been to protect our most vulnerable from suffering and possible death.

The many (for whom the pandemic is likely to spare its worst effects) are required to offer up sacrifices in exchange for the well-being of the few who have proven to be disproportionately at risk.

In the course of human history, this is not an entirely new proposition. Our societies now generally prefer progressive systems of taxation. There are concessions for the aged and otherwise disadvantaged. We exercise special care for children. And social medicine has long existed as a superior alternative to any system that equates an ability to pay with the right to live.

Under pandemic conditions, vulnerability does not only include medical status but also reflects equity dynamics.

Sadly, in T&T, the pandemic has exposed an unwillingness by many to sacrifice rights, recreation and revenue for responsibility to others. This obtains in part because of a sense of privilege and entitlement.

Such a scenario represents the absence of what health communicators describe as “health equity” – situations in which “privilege” applies unevenly in the accessing of resources.

Transportation privilege comprises masks in the maxis but not in Audis or high-end cars that will never be used as PH cars or have anyone else but family as passengers.

Employment privilege that scoffs at the plight of people awaiting grants and relief packages. Privilege that recognises the spranger before the human.

Technology privilege that does not recognise a digital divide that makes possession of device without connectivity near worthless. Age privilege because some need to party.

Financial privilege to skip the public health queue and to access private resources.

It is of course not an easy situation. Medically, as has been the situation everywhere else, we have been confronted by the unknown. Our officials have thus resorted to slavish, conservative adherence to evolving regional and international protocols as preferred official option.

It is an approach that presents the explicit risk of erring on the side of caution while placing us all in the same basket. Minimising risk while demanding a high level of personal and communal responsibility with accompanying egalitarian benefits.

An eschewing of privilege and a recalibrating of social norms to assure greater social justice. Yes, we are on the same ocean. But onboard different vessels. Not only as countries, but as private individuals and communities.

It is also difficult to legislate a duty to care. Almost as intractable as lawmaking to sustain love. “A state of emergency,” the prime minister exclaimed at the outset, “won’t make you wash your hands.” Yet, we needed punitive fines to get people to wear face masks.

It is of course perfectly understandable and necessary that informed, critical scrutiny of discrete measures would flow. Nobody ever suggested uncontested measures.

Reporters have thus asked sometimes awkwardly framed but valid questions based on growing public concern and, at times, contrasting regional and international interventions.

On this very page, Dr David Bratt has been lending an important, critical eye. Elsewhere, people who understand these things have contributed other knowledgeable views.

Sadly, self-serving, ill-advised political commentary based in part on COVID-denial, conspiracy theory, privilege and medical myth has too frequently found space in the social discourse.

Among the more odious phenomena has been the slandering of high-quality public professionals who have consistently presented sound information and diligent guidance.

There was also much in the recent election campaign to generate loathsome revulsion. The second-guessing of expert advice. The open defiance of measures to save lives. Unsubstantiated conspiracy theories about the data indicting scores of national and regional public servants.

Then to hear about a supposed lack of “measures”. What “measures”, if not the “measures” to achieve the simple tasks of hand hygiene, physical distancing and the proper wearing of face masks?

The fact is, nobody, anywhere, has been getting everything right. There have been slip-ups here and everywhere. But there has also been universal agreement on the need to protect the more vulnerable.

Health equity to achieve such an end requires much more than we have so far exhibited in our space. Privilege has instead reigned. What a shame.

Pandemic politics, media and elections

September 2, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

Close Caribbean election watchers must certainly be noting the concurrence of electoral encounters and pandemic conditions.

In more than one instance, governments have not held out until the latest possible dates and have instead called elections well within constitutional limits but under conditions of closed borders and other measures. 

This was so in T&T which could have delayed the process until December. It is also the case with Jamaica, which last went to the polls on February 25, 2016 but holds its elections tomorrow.

Belize which has habitually gone to the polls early – a year short for three of the last four elections – holds its elections on November 1 when it could have waited until February 2021.

It also appears St Vincent and the Grenadines will go to the polls before the December 9 anniversary of 2015 elections. There is already considerable political mobilisation.

Suriname held its elections on May 25 – a date fixed since its return to democracy in the late 1980s but changeable under certain circumstances.

Anguilla had its encounter on June 29 and, like Suriname, the Dominican Republic and Guyana, experienced a change in administration. In Anguilla, elections were held despite colonial advice to delay.

In St Kitts and Nevis, closed borders restricted the permissible practice of parachute voting by non-resident nationals.

Guyana, which also changed political administration, is another story on its own. Its March 2 regional and general elections set in train a series of events that continues to today. On Monday, for example, the losing APNU+AFC coalition filed an election petition challenging the highly contentious results.

As a media trainer, I have been fortunate to have come into relatively close contact with some key electoral players in T&T, St Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Suriname, Guyana and yesterday, for the second time, in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

One of the key subjects we cover during these exercises is the near inelastic relationship between the standard of media practice and the quality of electoral outcomes, including perceptions of the legitimacy of the process.

The importance of this is heightened by the fact that in a growing number of countries – Grenada and Barbados being glaring exceptions – margins of victory have shrunk. There is an intensification of political polarisation and tribalism, and the performance of electoral boards has come under growing (and sometimes unjustified) negative scrutiny.

T&T is also not the only “50-50 country” in the region. Guyana’s current parliamentary balance is 33-31-1. In 2015 it was 33-32 in favour of APNU+AFC which lost in March. Jamaica’s 2016 elections gave the JLP a 32-31 majority. In St Vincent and the Grenadines in 2015, the ULP won 8 of 15 seats and the NDP 7. It was the same in 2010.

In Suriname, post-election coalitions are routine, except for 2015 when the NDP won a clear majority (26 of 51 seats) for the very first time. This year, Desi Bouterse’s NDP struggled with 16 seats, leaving Chan Santokhi’s VHP to lead a fresh coalition with 20 seats.

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) experience proves the point about media performance. This year’s elections were conducted minus voluntary media guidelines, the monitoring of adherence to them, and “refereeing” of the findings of an independent institution.

In 2015 guidelines were established, but a dedicated mechanism as had obtained since 2006, disappeared. The (now-ruling) PPP did not consider it a priority then, despite generous offers of international funding. When APNU+AFC took office, it too ignored this model, and an embattled GECOM simply did not have the time and space.

In Jamaica, the Electoral Commission has revised media protocols election day media coverage to permit better coverage tomorrow. A good baby step forward.

In T&T, there is space for independent monitoring of a voluntary Code of Conduct for media and professional evaluation of journalistic performance based on such standards. Read the Election Handbook for Caribbean Journalists edited by Lennox Grant and myself for greater guidance on this.

This can help direct attention away from partisans focused on discrediting the work of professional journalists, and ill-advised judgments on the work of legacy media based on social media rumour, disinformation and sheer slander.

But as is the case virtually everywhere, tribal cleavages continue to trump reasoned application of mechanisms that help diminish conflict. It’s no different here. We are all left to pay a heavy price.


Analogue mindsets and digital language

August 26, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

I know. I know. The headline reads like an introduction to the thesis of a techno-snob, which I am not. In fact, as a child of the analogue era, I am instinctively drawn to digital technology as the outcome of a bridge crossed. A language interpreted. A frame repositioned. An arduous journey into new territory.

On the other hand, my 25-year-old son is a digital native who engages no such challenges in interpreting his music, words or images. It is the first and main language of his craft.

In my case, it is much like my basic-to-intermediate Spanish. I am inclined to arrange my thoughts and ideas before consulting with a rather limited range of nouns, verbs and woefully deficient descriptors. Only then, upon their translation, are my thoughts anywhere near intelligible to the Spanish-speaker.

At the radio station, we used scalpels and scotch tape to edit audio. At the newspaper, there were scalpels as well, to “cut and paste” artwork before it was ready for “shooting” and reproduction as negatives. Today, processors and applications handle them all.

My wife, however, is an IT veteran of over 40 years who learnt to code in mysterious languages no longer widely employed. At our home, in the early years, there were beige-tinged data “punch cards” everywhere. The “mainframe” computer at work occupied a room the size of a two-bedroom HDC house.

For her, the modern digital reality was never far off – zeroes and ones from the start providing an essential vocabulary.

Today, we are called upon to embrace what is being described as a “digital transformation” – an amorphous process involving a wide variety of new and emerging technologies and applications.

Yet, there appears almost everywhere to be a deliberate effort to leapfrog what I think are some important features of the required conditions. They include human capacity, at all levels, to execute the transition.

The experts, and I have one in the house, speak of “system-based process optimisation” as a key component of “change management” – lofty expressions that point to both human resource and technological transitions.

As a consequence of the frequent omission of the human element, we often have transitions managed and engaged essentially by people who require translation/interpretation services themselves. The outcomes are often garbled and meaningless.

I have developed the terrible habit of scanning the desktops of the business executives, politicians and educators with whom I come into contact.

If I see piles of files and bits of paper, I respond differently from when I see laptops, tables and smartphones. I am tempted to make judgments about the level of technological interpretation required, and about their own capacity at the helm at a time of transition.

I am also not always exceedingly confident about what is on offer when I don’t see 25 and 30-year-olds at the controls.

In their absence, the expectation tends to be on infrastructure and processes to execute old tasks better – as interpretation/translation - rather than on changing the language from one to another.

Look closely and you will see why the government grants’ process went off-track recently and why the mere automating of official transactions has not added substantial value in other areas.

This, in my view, is not solely a matter of mechanical transformation, but one that grapples with issues of personal and corporate mindsets and organisational culture.

Hopefully Senator Allyson West, who now heads a new ministry of public administration and digital transformation, together with technology expert, Minister Hassel Bacchus, are mindful of this.

By now, as well, I should think they have begun assembling a cadre of young digital natives who understand and speak the language of real change.

Such a transformation ought not to focus on doing the old things better, but rather on doing new things well.

Between 1984 and 2020

August 19, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

I made the mistake, even at this time, of taking the advice of Comrade BC Pires to venture (again) between the covers of George Orwell’s classic ‘1984’.

If you’ve done the same, you would know that re-reading the book is always like encountering it for the very first time – your own personal, contemporary context determining the things to which you pay the most attention and consider vitally important.

I’m not one of those literary types who has explored multiple academic interpretations of the book. So, my current concern about the main character’s faltering self-determination under authoritarian circumstances might not be a unique or original finding.

Even more, you realise that exposure to dystopian fantasy can effectively illuminate the habits of farce. It can also help dissect the ways of the conspirator and unveil the maze of institutions, people and systems required to sustain an illusion of ordered disorder.

You see, I took BC’s advice on the heels of Guyana’s post-elections trauma, and in the midst of our own engagement of the joint challenge of the coronavirus and elections.

I have been reading 1984 and moving from Kindle to newspaper and back again. I saw the Guyana Elections Commission and the Elections and Boundaries Commission being crunched like eggs out of the same box. Like vanilla and strawberry in an ice cream sundae. Thriving on the buds of the unknowing.

Two institutions that are so unlike the other as to conjure up, through skewed messaging, an image of forced miscegenation every time they are referenced as somehow entwined.

Recounting T&T was not the same as recounting Guyana. Fern Narcis-Scope is not Keith Lowenfield. The PNC is not the PNM and the UNC not the PPP. People need to pay greater attention to fact and details and not to old talk.

In the end, tales of a grand conspiracy were unmasked in one instance as arguable criminal malpractice, and evidence of the simple but painful pangs of defeat on the part of the other. In each case, though, the stuff of destructive dysfunction and farce.

I have heard of elaborate plots requiring more moving people, places and parts than it takes to have an engine turn wheels. Images of otherwise listless and robotic clerks, technicians, communication people, drivers, dispatchers and politicians locked in at the Ministry of This and the Ministry of That, doctoring and delaying.

Each step of the way as I read, I became Winston in the alcove with a pen and blank (yes, blank), but pregnant pages, furtively putting the first words down - an unremarkable date followed by rambling recollections as if in a state of “sheer panic”.

It must be the COVID. It must be the virus. How could self-destruction be so studiously crafted? Depravities so entrenched and engrained?

Here, in this small space, there is a silence brought on more by deafness than the absence of noise. Slow self-mutilation by the rusty, jagged blades of delusion. “Manufactured fear,” said one dismal contestant. “It eh have no Covid here,” went one devotee.

That the recent months have brought us to this point signals that in the clearing before us, if there has to be one, is a passageway that’s not as brightly lit as we require.

We do not and have not always wished each other well. Injury to one, you see, equals justifiable injury to the other – that toxic concoction of aloes and peanuts.

Winston eventually emerged from his imprisonment, and the world was in fact in worse shape, much crueler than he had imagined.

Not one single chapter has actually closed, and none will be for some time to come. Elections and pandemic will remain for some time like Winston’s ubiquitous telescreens.

On my Kindle, ‘1984’ is four books down from Christopher Wylie’s I switch from one to the next over coffee and coconut water. I take them to bed and to my sleep where they take aim at my dreams.

Pandemic governance and change

August 12, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

Now that the brief and bitter election campaign has ended, here’s hoping the post-election process is not unduly delayed and we settle down to business sooner rather than later. We only have to consider Guyana’s recent agony and the psychical injury sustained by all.

Under the lingering, durable shadow of a pandemic, we are now called upon to consider our survival options at levels that span the personal, private and public spaces we all occupy as citizens.

Politicians and their devotees now have room to address the denial that occasioned so much of what obtained over recent weeks. It was an affliction sustained across the political aisle.

The campaign was a relatively short but unique one. The dissolution of parliament in July occurred in the midst of urgent pandemic mitigation efforts.

The election call meant that while the work of the Cabinet continued - guided in large measure by the urgent work of the health ministry - there were grounds for reasonable concern about the absence of a high level of bipartisan political oversight over a variety of state functions.

These included matters of pandemic expenditure, adjustments to schooling arrangements, and foreign policy positioning, among others – all services a functioning parliament could have critically interrogated.

These subjects never quite gained traction over the course of the campaigns as other far less worthy issues rose to prominence. There was never really a clinical, independent dissecting of these matters – just unsubstantiated invective and cussing.

This is not to suggest deliberate malpractice, but simply to say that a high and diligent level of civil society and political scrutiny had not featured prominently. Most appeared otherwise occupied in providing open and tacit tribal support through name-calling, sniping and vile hostility.

The early convening of the new parliament should promptly attend to these issues. To be fair, there has been a significant effort to allay suspicion regarding pandemic expenditure. However, the opportunity now exists, especially in view of a forthcoming national budget exercise, to eliminate any doubt.

This period also provides the new administration with an opportunity to review the issues that led to the bungling of arrangements for disbursement of relief packages. With the election out of the way, there is now no convenient, political escape route.

For instance, when my wife publicly observed, on behalf of her employee, that the salary review grant was being delayed as a result of an absurd resort to manual methods when an automated system was available, it was virtually dismissed as yet another politically instigated annoyance. This is a bad habit that must be kicked.

There are clear bureaucratic obstacles and human capacity issues to be addressed that would require an honest, systematic examination of how the public service works.

In fact, assigned the task of moderating public consultations on a review of the public service about seven years ago, I never got the impression that the officials presiding over the process were as committed to the exercise as were the “public” and selected sectors whose views were being entertained.

In the end, absolutely nothing came out of it. There needs to be an independent review that reduces the active involvement of the people whose practices and systems are being examined.

The new parliament – and I am proposing a greater role for bipartisan behaviour here – must also have a close look at the ways the pandemic will continue to affect the way we do business, learn, play and entertain ourselves.

Now that the folly of politically motivated COVID-denial has been settled by a virtual referendum on treatment of the subject, our country needs to get to these tasks in a much more wholesome manner to address the demands of a new era.

Though it appeared as a marginal area of concern by most during the campaign, the fact of a pandemic has to be actively engaged by all. The conduct of recent weeks however provided evidence that political will and possible political sacrifice for the sake of COVID-19 could not prevail over a compulsion to win.

We need to fix this. We need to fix many things. 

Elections and pandemic politics

August 5, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

By this time next week, a government of our choice would have been elected in T&T – barring any urgent drama associated with the current season or the pandemic.

As discussed here previously, we are not the only ones to have ventured onto electoral terrain in the midst of the COVID-19 challenge. In the Caribbean alone, we have witnessed contests in Anguilla, Dominican Republic, Guyana, St Kitts & Nevis and Suriname.

True, Guyana went to the polls on March 2 at the early onset of the virus there, but contention over the results was resolved in court and subsequently at the Guyana Election Commission only on Sunday. So, while election day was not seriously affected by COVID-19, the overall elections process occurred under, and was affected by, pandemic conditions.

The other four all had elections under the cover of special arrangements arising from the virus. Three of them experienced changes in government – Anguilla, Dominican Republic and Suriname. The ruling Team Unity government in St Kitts and Nevis held on to office, election petitions notwithstanding.

I have previously attempted to explain how the mechanics of these elections had been affected by COVID-19 safeguards, but not spent any time on how the pandemic may have impacted the outcomes. As Monday approaches, and as the campaigning enters the homestretch, I think it would be worthwhile to consider a few points.

The first is that while incumbency may have the benefit of a record of generally positive mitigative public health measures, it also bears the undeniable stamp of economic decline and stagnation and all this implies for general social and economic wellness. 

Desi Bouterse paid the price for this in an already economically depressed Suriname, as did Gonzalo Castillo’s PLD in the Dominican Republic.

The second point is that while state management of the medical challenge (in the absence of crisis conditions) makes for interesting campaign fodder - including a level of gross public silliness - the intrinsic connection between a pandemic and medium to long-term national development cannot be ignored.

Because of this, reasonable people are constantly compelled to consider the ubiquity or absence of pandemic nuanced initiatives in the design and presentation of campaign promises, manifestos and proposed programmes of development.

This is particularly the case since it is an indisputable truth of our time that the coronavirus pandemic will be with us in measures not of weeks or months, but of years. This has long passed the stage of COVID-denial and scepticism, outlandish conspiracy and/or superstition.

There are no aliens or micro-chips or demonic violations, just humans and a virus and everything in between that joins or seeks to unjoin the two – with science hopefully incarnate as personal and communal knowledge and behaviour.

In this context, politics prevail in this era purely to bridge the gap between public intervention and personal action – as an instrument or tool, not as a treatment nor a cure. That is the job of science. It is the duty of politics to ensure the scientific imperatives are met and to consider the “balance” between lives and livelihoods.

As I’ve said, we have not been the only ones to pass this way. Neither has it been a completely unique set of circumstances in the modern era. We were somewhere near here before in the face of the HIV pandemic decades ago – denial, ignorance, the absence of science, and a failure to understand vital behavioural connections. HIV has never gone away.

It is thus difficult today to contemplate a political campaign that excises, from its contextual foundations, the fact of a pandemic. Much of what I have seen and heard from some so far reeks of decided COVID-denial, a lack of scientific foundation, and evident blindness to the new global realities that have resulted.

For instance, there is no rational discussion on the future of the energy sector that does not include the vagaries of global productive capacity and markets in the face of pandemic conditions.

There is no contemplation of ameliorative social measures in the absence of a framework that recognises deepening, systemic inequity – different vessels on the same troubled ocean.

Put this way, there is quite a lot to be ignored between now and next Monday in the midst of the heat and hubris. In the shadow of looming danger there is sometimes precious little light.

The Case for the Code

July 29, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

Were it not for the known, routinised depravities that characterise election campaigns in T+T, most provisions of the voluntary Code of Ethical Political Conduct administered by the Council for Responsible Political Behaviour would never have had to be formulated.

Yet, somebody still needed to come along and say it is not okay to defame people, disseminate disinformation, and propagate evident untruths. That it’s not okay to keep a straight face and claim the high ground while your surrogates are busy building fictitious social media profiles, launching fake “news sites”, and parading themselves in vulgar fashion as unvarnished “truth-tellers” or sophisticated “whistle-blowers”.

Most of us who keep an eye on these things are not fooled by the employment of proxies serving as online trolls and open purveyors of lies, while the political frontline presents a more acceptable face and voice.

Surely, the Code should have political parties take some responsibility for the actions of their supporters. This applies in the world of sport. If backers of a football team shout racist and other abusive remarks at players or supporters from the other team, their club can be severely punished.

Even so, in the game of politics - while it’s true that some actions are the unsolicited work of the overly zealous - much of it is willfully engineered from the centre to mislead and to defame, often with rewards in sight.

This thing has been studied. The strategy is quite clear: (i) operatives establish some degree of bona fides through strategic self-promotion; (ii) present an air of political independence; (iii) aggressively lead the undermining of authoritative, credible voices in the media and other sectors; (iv) establish a portal of your own under the banner of independent enquiry, comment and analysis; (v) launch an all-out assault in time for elections with messages that promote the agenda of the political party of choice.

There are also the episodic occurrences such as Vernella Alleyne-Toppin’s deplorable parliamentary contribution of March 25, 2015 and Dr Rowley’s clumsy and unsuccessful double entendre at a political meeting just one week before (for which he eventually apologised). Don’t look here for more on either event. Look them up yourself.

These two situations are cited only because they constitute complaints that reached the Council back then and were included in the same press release of April 10, 2015.

Lesser personalities however appear to escape the same scrutiny. The respective parties need to distance themselves in unequivocal terms from these practices, whatever the example set by their leaders.

There is also a role for the political financiers. The Council faces severe financial constraints that prevent it from conducting meaningful, comprehensive monitoring of adherence to the guidelines.

I think political parties should display their commitment to the Code, and the principles it represents, by urging financial benefactors to contribute toward the funding of an effective monitoring and refereeing process.

I had been associated with the work of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and its media monitoring exercises, based on a Media Code. It worked well. But all of this came to a partial end in time for the elections of 2015 and was absent for March 2, 2020. It was no easy project to execute, but GECOM had got it right … until politicians decided it was no longer needed. Look at what confronts Guyana today.

A monitoring process followed up by effective refereeing/mediating can play a role in, at minimum, signaling that leading elements in society are keeping an eye on political behaviour and are prepared to both “name and shame” and insist on a level of penitence. Failing that, those issues that are actionable before a court of law, both in civil and criminal jurisdictions, should be promptly prosecuted by those affected.

Nobody, for instance, should have to come before big people and tell them that issues of race, gender identity, or religion should not be exploited in the mobilisation of political support or opposition.

Is rejection of this kind of behaviour such a tall order for political leaders, their candidates and activists? Nobody wants a tea party, but do we really need a bloody brawl? On the evidence, the latter has never been very helpful when addressing real issues anywhere it has occurred.

Elections - the missing Caricom link

T+T Guardian - July 22, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

Some years ago, while interviewing a former regional prime minister on the eve of a general election, I asked why there was nothing about Caricom in the campaign manifesto of a ruling party running a country that had grown increasingly reliant on the grouping for alternative growth sectors in a changing economy.

“Foreign policy doesn’t win elections,” was the unrehearsed response. Today, almost 20 years later, with that country in the hands of another administration, a campaign omitting the subject of sub-regional coherence on matters of economic development is now inconceivable.

For instance, who will be able to resist reference to the vexing issue of intra-regional air travel, especially within the OECS? Or even here, for that matter?

There is still some time left for our respective campaigns ahead of August 10 elections. But I am not overly optimistic that the point is accepted by all concerned. This is even though pandemic conditions should be steering us more and more in the direction of deeper intra-regional cooperation and inter-dependence.

If you go on campaign talk alone, you won’t get the impression that in every single instance within Caricom we benefit from favourable trade imbalances – a vital factor in our economic worth.

Cadres of professionals, consultants and skilled nationals also travel up and down the region filling human resource deficits and earning foreign exchange. In return, under single market conditions, we have been able to move goods and services inward and outward under relatively free conditions.

Our politicians also appear not to realise, for example, that several of our important energy stakeholders are staking their future almost as much on Guyana and Suriname’s emerging oil industries as they are on a resurgence here.

I have not heard this perspective on any political platform, even expressed as just one channel to address the survival prospects for a variety of energy service providers.

Against the backdrop of the pandemic and fears related to supply chain disruptions, there has also been a closer focus on how the Caribbean region can work together to address our massive reliance on imported food and pharmaceuticals. There is actually an active COVID-related discussion on this subject.

Yet, there appears to be a prevailing view among our political actors that so-called “foreign policy”, expressed as the stability and growth of the integration project, is unlikely to score points in an election scenario.

A PNM manifesto is due to hit the streets soon and the UNC is touting its National Economic Transformation Masterplan. There is every indication that we cannot expect much more on this from either of the two big players. Neither has there been anything of value along these lines from the others.

In its “Masterplan” the UNC references Caricom in terms that ignore the movement’s strategic economic value, and if the PNM is to rely on the post-Covid Roadmap exercise, there won’t be much to go on either.

The “Masterplan” cites “critical cross-border issues” such as migration, Venezuelan refugees, money laundering, terrorist financing and climate change, but does not acknowledge the institutional collaboration and sense of fraternity that brought us CARPHA and CXC, among many others.

It is left to be seen what the PNM manifesto offers, but the Roadmap restricts itself to potential access to “cheaper alternative food supply chains within the region” full stop. Surely, with a ministry that bears a specific Caricom stamp, regional possibilities ought to have been explored in a more wholesome fashion.

There is also a case for considering intra-Caricom relations along a different political track than traditional foreign policy. Indeed, a guiding philosophy of the integration movement, enshrined as it is in the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas, is a notion of equal status. This is not fanciful aspiration. It is, in fact, our entry point into Guyana’s oil and gas local content policy.

The thing is parochial concerns are not always inconsistent with the broader relations that contribute directly and indirectly to the development process. There is much to be earned from enlightened self-interest when it comes to such matters. And I am not speaking about policing the foreign relations of others. That’s not a question of sovereignty. It’s a matter of self-respect.

Hopefully, there will be more to come from the contestants as we race to August 10. But you know what? I am not holding my breath on this one. Sad.

To the COVID polls we go

July 8, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

Let me get this out of the way from the start. If you or your August 10 campaigners are Covid-deniers or are behaving like them; do not come by me! Simple.

Yes, our sense of personal space was never WHO compliant. Face masks are therefore more important. I am serious, you know. Do not come by me!

With that out of the way, let’s deal with elections in the midst of a pandemic. I have not heard anyone object to it with any vigour, so we can assume that the elections are being held with everyone’s general approval.

We are not the only country in the world to be going down this path under pandemic conditions.

Internationally, between March and April alone, there were more than 25 electoral contests and, yes, there have been postponements.

In the Caribbean so far this year, there have been elections in Anguilla, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Sint Maarten, St Kitts and Nevis and Suriname. Three of them proved marginally problematic, but only Guyana has presented a worst-case scenario that has had virtually nothing to do with the pandemic.

The losing Labour Party in St Kitts and Nevis has filed election petitions challenging the June 5 result, complaining in part about the absence of OAS and Commonwealth observers because of Covid restrictions. Uncharacteristically, hundreds of overseas-based voters (they allow that there) were also not allowed entry to cast their ballots because of a closed border.

A Covid-tested three-member CARICOM observer team has however reported “no major concerns” and gave the elections process a clean bill of health.

In Suriname, with their borders closed, there was social distancing and masks for the May 25 elections. Rallies had been limited to no more than 50 participants and this was, more or less, observed.

The result was a change of government from the National Democratic Party (NDP) to a coalition dominated by Chan Santokhi's Progressive Reform Party (VHP). There were recounts, but Santokhi should be sworn in as president by August 13.

There was also a change of government in Anguilla on June 29. The Anguilla Progressive Movement (APM) won seven of the 11 parliamentary seats.

An Order in Council had initially allowed for a postponement to no later than September 11 because of the pandemic. But this was not invoked by authorities.

There is now the disturbing situation regarding Guyana’s March 2 elections. By the end of today, the CCJ should have unveiled light at the end of the long, dark elections tunnel.

Though Covid restrictions were not yet in full flight in Guyana on election day, pandemic threats intensified in the face of a highly problematic post-election process.

Lessons can be learnt from our regional neighbours and the 20 or so other countries that have travelled this path in 2020.

There are impacts on voter registration (we, thankfully, have continuous registration here); arrangements for the recruitment and training of EBC poll day staff, and polling agents by the political parties.

The system of Special Electors can also, from my reading, be invoked for electors who might be in mandatory quarantine or are being treated for the disease. And arrangements for handling of voters’ ink are already in place. There are, of course, no provisions for overseas’ votes or mailed ballots.

Because there are limitations on the size of rallies (25 people), the parties will also have to rely more heavily on virtual events – which they are already doing – media advertising, and the enhanced use of social media.

On election day, standard EBC rules already cater for a suitable level of physical distancing. I do not understand why there are questions about the wearing of facemasks, though, unless you are a sworn Covid-denier.

Once people have voted, arrangements must ensure that the counting, tallying and verification processes are conducted in a manner not to expose polling agents and officials to unnecessary risk.

So far, from the experiences recorded in the region and elsewhere, with few exceptions, voter turnout has been close to recent averages. The Dominican Republic, with over 800 Covid deaths, registered a close to 50% voter turnout Sunday.

In St Kitts and Nevis, the turnout was over 58%. In Suriname it was 72%.

I think we can do this without much more than the regular fuss. Let’s get on with it.

The COVID-19 labour challenge

July 1, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

This space has been used before to draw attention to the longstanding international campaign, led by the International Labour Organization (ILO), to promote more effective use of a process of “social dialogue” as a mechanism for peaceful and prosperous economic development.

Yesterday’s ILO release of the labour market impact of COVID-19 painted a rather grim picture of it all while stressing the value of multi-party dialogue and adherence to labour rights in charting a way forward.

Such injunctions ought to be more strongly and critically considered by all stakeholders. This is particularly so in the face of colossal challenges that show little sign of going away anytime soon.

The textbook application of tripartism involving the state, labour and employers has however been found wanting both in terms of its practical application and in its design as a mechanism to move countries forward.

This is a point I have stressed in this space more than once. Our reality is that none of the three main social actors, as classically prescribed - save perhaps for the (problematic) state - matches tidily with Caribbean socio-economic reality.

For example, the state as a major direct and indirect employer in T and T has not coped well with the required institutional schizophrenia to enter such dialogue as an honest broker.

There is also the relatively low level of trade union representation in the labour force (about 25%). This leads to a serious anomaly in the trade union movement’s functions as the sole discussant from such a perspective at the table.

Then there is the question of who in fact lays claim to legitimate representation of “employers” within the context of a persistent and pervasive (and quite resilient in some instances) informal economy.

None of this, though, is an attempt to diminish the value of social dialogue as a mechanism to achieve peace and progress. Collective bargaining, where applicable, should prevail and be expanded. There is also an indisputable role for the state in our economies. And there ought to be coherence in the application of labour rights among all employers.

But what COVID-19 has done is to accentuate the systemic imbalances that have long rendered social dialogue a problematic imperative.

According to the ILO, the Americas (the Caribbean included) have suffered an 18.3% loss of working hours. I am certain all concerned in T&T would argue that the percentage loss here has been much more than that.

Meanwhile the ILO Monitor’s “baseline model” for the future assumes “a rebound in economic activity in line with existing forecasts, the lifting of workplace restrictions and a recovery in consumption and investment.” Even so, a 4.9% reduction in pre-COVID working hours is forecast.
The “pessimistic scenario” assumes a second wave and the return of restrictions. This would mean a fall in working hours of up to 11.9%.

Then there is an “optimistic scenario” which assumes that life can be expected to return to relative normalcy at the end of the current period and that the global loss would be in the order of 1.2%.
In my view none of this takes into account our reality on the ground - the changing frontiers of business, finance and economics, and a new world of work not easily measurable in units of “working hours”.

One missing link, I believe, is the impact of technological governance. This feature of the world of work and economic activity has come to the fore in accelerated ways over the past three months.
Those of us concerned with media development, for instance, have paid greater and greater attention to the role of the technology players as active participants (for good and bad) in the process of social mobilisation, dialogue and change.

I think, at the end of all of this, there will be a need to go back to the drawing-board to re-formulate approaches to repairing and maintaining the lanes of production and enterprise to take us into the future. The prevailing template will increasingly not apply. The table needs expanding.

It is difficult to envisage a tidy fit between the old remedies and what is currently before us. It has long promised to come to this and the months to come will show if we're truly in this together.

Social Media Lessons of the Lockdown (LOL)

June 24, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

With all that’s happening around us, I am not sure whether people are taking time to assimilate the changes and convulsions coming our way almost on a daily basis – much of it having to do with the fact that we have been in supposed “lockdown” for more than three months now.

So, on Monday, beaches, rivers and the zoo opened. And all public servants were expected to return to work, albeit under different arrangements to cater for physical distancing and overall safety from the coronavirus.

It’s not over yet, though. Not by a stretch. Follow what has been happening in other parts of the world and you would realise that this thing is simply not going away very soon, no matter how great the isolated victories.

I think social media have helped us come to grips with some of the challenges. So, today, I decided I would post a few reflections here, together with some suggested social media acronyms and abbreviations, in order to make sense of what we’ve been through ... so far. For example, who would have though SOS would one day represent ‘Sauce on Speed-dial?’

1. So. Be honest. Do your shoes still fit? I am a sandals kind of guy, so I am used to having to squeeze into leather shoes when the need arises … every now-and-then. But, tell me. Don’t you now need at least another half size? Or have you regularly been wearing shoes around the house, or on journeys to the supermarket or pharmacy? FTW – Foot Too Wide.

2. Did you realise that you can survive without perfume and underarm deodorant? That the people in your immediate vicinity are not entirely repulsed by your natural odour? That you can actually take a quick trip down to the vegetable stall and back without it? SMH – Stinky Market Haul.

3. I have also been noting (not necessarily through a process of first-hand observation of course) that women have in fact been celebrating freedom from the bra’. Not one extra word on this. Zero. I fraid. But it appears to be a liberatingly truthful assertion. FTB – Free The Bra!

4. Did you ever notice that your pet cat has a dozen specs of black on her belly? Or that she prefers food off the table over that expensive dried stuff? And, where did that dog come from? RT – Real Trouble.

5. Then we have Wi-Fi and mobile data. If you do not want to go completely crazy, do NOT try to imagine what life in pandemic lockdown looked like during the Spanish Flu of 1918 without WhatApp, Skype or Zoom. BTW – Baby on the Way!

6. Haven’t you noticed that T&T has more virologists, epidemiologists and general medical practitioners per capita than any other country on the planet? Make one Facebook post and witness the gratuitous flow of advice, treatments and expert opinions. ROFL – Real Old Frauds and Liars!

7. Oh, the conspiracy theorists. In addition to a surplus of medical expertise, our country also boasts a wide variety of specialists on the true origins of every conceivable disease/condition. They invariably emerge from the anti-vaxxer/flat-earth/5G/Bill Gates/China/No Lunar Landing bunch of crazies. Stay away from me, I say. Stay away. TMI – They Mad Indeed.

8. Office bosses. Haven’t you noticed that your charges are fully capable of performing their duties when not sitting at their desks under your watch? And, you know what? Most of them did so without shoes, bras or underarm deodorant. BGD - Bettie Goatie Doh!

9. So, the beaches are back in business. Just sitting here noting the number of people who have developed a sudden addiction to beach-going. BRB – Beach Really Back.

10. Exercise. Listen. You know it and I know it. You didn’t really want to get any exercise. You just didn’t want to stay home and HYMC – Help Your Mother Cook! 

Of Covid and other media challenges

June 17, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

On Monday, during the course of my umpteenth or so webinar of the COVID-19 era, I had the opportunity to share observations and discuss ideas related to the impact of the pandemic on the practice of journalism in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The event was hosted by the European Union – Latin America and Caribbean (EU-LAC) Foundation and included journalists, academics and press freedom folks from Spain, Latin America and my oneself from the Caribbean.

My opening statement emphatically set out to distinguish our sub-regional experience from what was being described by my counterparts in countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela.

Our Spanish moderators appeared keen on hearing me explain that at no time Caribbean journalists have been required, so far, to report on catastrophic medical outcomes – as bad as it has been that in the English-speaking Caribbean we have had several fatalities.

But, nowhere in our region, is there anything like what I heard about the tribulations of journalists in Brazil and Venezuela (to cite only two cases) in accessing raw data and information, reporting faithfully on dread realities, and having access to the people and places where reliable information can be obtained. In some instances, journalists are being harassed and even arrested for doing their job, and colleagues there frequently identify a need for psychological support.

This is absolutely not to contend that the pandemic has not exposed some rather nasty things about the relationship between Caribbean journalists, politicians and their proxies, and media audiences. Or that we have not had our share of personal trauma.

Instead, the absence of the most extreme conditions has provided us with clarity regarding the convergence of the legacy media’s more difficult challenges – some of them internal (we are far from perfect), but most of them derived from the broader contestation to command the attention of hearts and minds.

The thinness of the region’s economic fortunes, for example, has highlighted the financial fragility of our media sector. With advertising revenue down between 50% and 70%, there have been layoffs, salary cuts, reduced production and, in one or two cases, a full shift from traditional to digital platforms.

Refuge in new and digital media by traditional newspapers and broadcasters is proving not to always be an easy option. There are issues related to the monetising of content and business models to assure adequate investor returns in the midst of an environment where everything else is perceived to be “free”. Listen out for a challenge in Grenada regarding the legality of statutory notices posted digitally, to cite one small example.

Meanwhile, witness the continued emergence of shadowy online conduits for the free flow of political propaganda and disinformation.

Here are the rights of free expression without corresponding responsibility. Simply develop a platform and start publishing stuff. Anything. About anybody. However legally actionable remain some breaches.

The fact of a busy Caribbean elections season (nine elections this year) ought to have also busied us with observing how political operatives have been attempting to influence the political narrative.
We need to keep an eye on how partisan elements have been employing easily-recognisable templates to achieve their objectives, including the use of misinformation as a weapon against traditional media.

COVID-related financial difficulties are thus now joining concerted action to undermine the credibility of our media. This is happening in the midst of the threat of what some describe as a “capture” of the news agenda by state authorities and powerful business interests - filling spaces left by advertisers in retreat.

The prevalence of state media with pockets as deep as national treasuries, together with the struggles of weakened private media now intensify the prospect of such “capture.”

There is a new reality unfolding for all of us. There are many who don’t think this bastion of democracy is capable of serving any useful purpose. They may not realise it yet, but they continue to hold to such a belief at our continued peril as countries and polities.

T +T the tireless mother

May 27, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

I have been having cause nowadays to reminisce on the moment a politician of the rancorous mid-1980s openly declared that the people of T+T could not continue expecting the state to be a “tireless mother.”

I cannot recall all the details, but I know the statement came in a fit of pique during an industrial conflict of some kind.

I also remember a call to my newsroom while state workers boisterously picketed the office of the same government minister who blamed a condition he considered to be spoilt-brat worker “entitlement”.

“If blood is shed,” I was told by the poor guy, “it would be on your (collective journalistic) hands.” So significant, I presumed, was the impact of the stories I had been writing during those days of tumult.

There were two lifelong, and related, lessons emerging out of those episodes and that period. The first had to do with a notion of maternalism (as opposed to the “tough love” of paternalism, I suppose) as an underlying basis for continuance of the so-called “welfare state”.

The second relates to the role of journalistic framing and how people often interpret the work we do. More on that at another time.

On the basis of rather thin academic credentials and a lack of awareness of the first-person requirements of parenthood at that time (I had to wait until 1995 for the latter) I set about then to disassemble the first of these two assertions.

True, as a mere reporter, and with a mind shaped in the form of latter-day socialism by a grandfather who effortlessly quoted Cipriani (the labour leader after whom my late father was named), the available tools approximated a hammer and chisel in the face of delicate heart surgery.

Increasingly, though, I began to recognise an almost identical mismatch between the requirements of a nation in search of itself and the credentials of hapless political elites appointed to secure its safe awakening.

My country, the “tireless mother” – not as political slogan or strategy or Photoshopped campaign poster, but as policy and action. And, even then, not as jingoistic nationalism or fascist pride. There are, you see, adoptions to transact, new family to be added - a condition under which we have both been subjects and objects.

If it’s not your own country that cares, I asked, who else? Where? When push comes to shove. When there is no one or nothing else left, there must be a birthright that remains.

The thought crossed my mind last week, when I was asked to help draft a request for re-entry by a friend of mine who has been “stranded” overseas after taking care of a parent who eventually died.
The “tireless mother”, you see, keeps watch at the window and waves to ensure you know she’s there. However narrow the doorway. However small the dinner table. However long the line.

By contrast, we have long known of the “tough love” of the paternalistic state. The act of “discipline” my old QRC friend proudly related: That time he knelt on the hard ground with two concrete bricks held with stick-thin arms above his head in the hot sun.

The state as “tough love” father locks the son out in the rain for getting back too late. Your country, as nurturing mother, waves at you from the window, but opens the door and lets you in from the rain when it’s known to be safer inside than outside.

I once confessed to a loss of love for children of a fatherland who had feted the curfew hours away while more than 30 men and women lay dead and rotting in Port of Spain. Some of us stayed awake until it was all over.

Today, they assemble, naked and unmasked, with the music and chatter loud enough to keep us awake at night, our caution mocked by jeers and jabs typically reserved for distant, privileged deserters.

Had we been all alone in the world, this would have been such a hard road to traverse. I have seen the ships off Port au Prince, Kingston, Kingstown, Nassau and St George’s. They too need to know a tireless mother awaits, however weary and heavy laden. However anxious and afraid becomes the growing line.

COVID-19 and regionalism

May 20, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

It’s a point that’s understandably not attracting too much attention at the moment, but sooner or later we would need to acknowledge the role Caribbean regionalism is playing in the management of the current crisis.

This point needs to be emphasised if only because in our midst are people staking claims for leadership in a wide variety of public spaces who do not routinely recognise the value of the regional process – both within the context of the notion of a wider Caribbean and the narrower, more familiar and longer standing, Caribbean Community (Caricom).

If the pandemic is teaching us one thing, it is that no single country persists as a geo-political island; and that an ability to address big challenges is best acquired as acts of collective diligence and application.

I am at a loss to understand where we begin this story. Should it start from the part where we, through circumstances of our history, are now called upon to exercise a greater measure of self-confidence? Should the story flow next to the point where a lack of communal self-esteem is recognised to be our most imposing developmental challenge?

Or should we fast-forward to the moment we realised that COVID-19 was upon us? Let’s agree to start there and to recognise the role the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) has played and continues to play in the midst of an unprecedented emergency.

Among the darkest moments of the early stages – not counting the absolute tragedy of the loss of lives – was the political scorn and scepticism accorded recognition of CARPHA as the lead agency to guide our actions to address the pandemic.

I would contend that had there not been a CARPHA, the region would not now be considered to be among the global front-runners in coming to terms with this phase of the pandemic. True, though it is, that more is likely to come.

Some disclosure at this point: I have had a past professional relationship with CARPHA and two of the five regional agencies that merged a few years ago to become CARPHA. This means I would either be prone to favourable commentary or, through familiarity, be better placed to understand the agency’s key positive and negative attributes. Take your pick.

Imagine, as well, the absence of Caricom as an institution at the helm of single market conditions. Think this thing through before you rush to an uninformed conclusion. Consider the “recovery” effort post-COVID and the fact of a single market within the context of a world that will only slowly be emerging from slumber.

Our manufacturers and other suppliers of goods and services, and the thousands they employ, would understand this point much more than those whose assessment of the regional effort is based on minimal information and analysis. I have provided statistics in this space before. Go look it up yourself this time.

Now, let’s turn to the 48-year-old Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and its role as a regional examining body in the midst of the pandemic. Who would want to be in Registrar Dr Wayne Wesley’s position at this time? Yet, in most countries (I notice Jamaica and T&TUTA are taking a different position) CXC will be administering region-wide examinations in the middle of all of this.

The list of regional institutions under Caricom is rather long, and most have remained alert (CTO, UWI et al), but I want to shift to the role of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS). The ACS focuses on the interests and concerns of a wider constituency of 35 states, countries and territories “washed by the Caribbean Sea” (though it includes El Salvador which has a Pacific coast while Guyana and Suriname are “washed” by the Atlantic Ocean).

There have been the sceptics, but the ACS has carved an evolving role for itself in the area of disaster risk reduction and, last week, launched an important online resource that focuses on the data-supported progress of the wider region in addressing the COVID-19 challenge.

From Secretary-General, Dr June Soomer, came eloquent expression of the role of regionalism not only in managing changed circumstances, but in supporting the survival challenge COVID-19 has brought to the fore - in such a manner as to assure future progress.

When we eventually look back at this time, I believe we would find that the regional platforms have been sturdy and of greater value than we usually assign them.

When Boogsie played ‘Yesterday’

May 13, 2020

Wesley Gibbings

Len “Boogsie” Sharpe played ‘Yesterday’ on the pan at about 6.35 p.m. on Saturday May 9, 2020.
This story could have ended right there. But then somebody posted in the comments section of the YouTube stream: “I am in tears. Is this normal?” Fingers frozen, I could not type a response. We’d been busted. Many of us, I presumed. Someone else chimed in with something I cannot remember.

It happened so fast. Boogsie had been showing off on the double seconds with speed and an amazing command of complex riffs on The Mighty Sparrow’s ‘Rose’. Then, inexplicably, he changed mood with a Beatles/Lennon suite that eventually landed, near the end, on ‘Yesterday’.

At that moment, those of us who have been following what has been happening to pan, its players and its music over this lockdown period, found in Boogsie, the ultimate resort to art as anodyne.
It was Robert Greenidge’s turn on Sunday before a camera. The applause comprised three or four muted pairs of hands and the compliments of online commentaries. Ditto Dane Gulston a little earlier. Aviel Scanterbury and pals have been having “Transcription Tuesdays”.

The instrument, through these times, has indeed been capturing the role of music as supreme emotional expression. There are also hints that the end of the current phase of Coronavirus lockdown would bring to pan - both as instrument and as a form of social mobilisation and organisation - increments of change it had never before contemplated.

This is more, much more than a change of venue or a programmatic innovation. We might well be looking at change that presents the instrument and its meaning in ways we have never before envisaged.

Yet, we had been receiving clues and tips. Before Boogsie took to the WACK TV screen last Saturday, there was Barbados-based Trini Nevin Roach’s ‘Panograma 2020’ competition (so we should have a 2021 version, I hope). All online. All solo. International – the finalists came from Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Sint Maarten and T&T. Earl Brooks Jr topped the final 10.

But, that’s just the thinnest end of the wedge. For, these are the frontline instruments only. There must be space for the mids and the basses and the percussions. People like Roach et al will get there.
Then there were the global collaborations that brought us BP Renegades’ production of ‘Heal the World’ with more than a dozen players from the US, Japan, the UK, France and T&T.

Speaking of which, Duvone Stewart has been having a ubiquitous presence through all of this and his home-based promo of Boogsie’s one-man show was a show in its own right. Out on his porch (presumably in Tobago), waving to and greeting passersby.

There was another international collaboration called De Coalition you can still find online. These were the young bunch on a variety of instruments.

The “Just Flow” Challenge was hosted by another youthful group of accomplished pannists bearing names such as Chuma Akil Jahi Watson, Triston Marcano, Andre White, Hammond Mitchell, Stefon West and Scanterbury.

There have also been several online tutorials initiated by players/instructors both in T&T and overseas. I follow Sterling C Semple Sr on Facebook for the latest.

What I am saying is that the pandemic has the potential to revolutionise pan in ways we had never before envisioned.

True, to many people this means absolutely nothing. I don’t particularly like the accordion, for instance. Others may not prefer the ukelele. So, it’s often difficult to discuss pan with people who do not understand its meaning as something more than a musical instrument within the context of T&T development. That’s fine.

The current period is however revealing that a tidal wave of change for pan is upon us. Musicians, Pan Trinbago, the Ministry of Culture, bankers, educators, manufacturers, businesspeople take note.

Don’t be surprised if Panorama 2021 (if it happens) does not look anything like what we have known in the past.

At the height of the recent WTI crash in oil prices, somebody memed the value of an oil drum filled with oil and another crafted as a musical instrument. Book closed. Story done. Boogsie played ‘Yesterday’, and tomorrow will never be the same.

April 29, 2020

When science challenges politics

Wesley Gibbings

It is no recent realisation that the triumph of politics over science has been a durable feature of life on this planet. In more recent times, the problematic need for science-based interventions on issues such as climate change, alternative sources of energy, the supply of food and the practice of medicine has reinforced such an assertion.

The main challenge appears to be that in order for science to be meaningfully applied there tends to be a reliance on political decision-making or agenda-setting at one level or another, often in order to achieve a “just transition” from challenge to solution so that remedies do not turn out to be worse than the afflictions.

In turn, investments in science are routinely guided by what are considered to be the more visible needs of society, especially those with implications for the distribution and maintenance of power.

Addressing the question of climate change, for example, requires the weight of political leadership in order that key national, regional and global actions are taken to mitigate its worst effects and to ensure countries such as ours adapt to its inevitable manifestations.

Power relations, in this respect, are frequently associated with the geo-politics of fossil fuels and the paradigmatic underpinnings of social and political change.

COVID-19 landed on our laps even as global political backsliding and indecision characterised the five-year old demands of the Paris Accord on climate change. There is now the corresponding impact of economic turmoil resulting from COVID-19 on the ability of countries to meet their commitments to the required climate change trade-offs.

The gradual but increasingly evident unveiling of climate risks has also been met by the demands of a pandemic whose main features have come to the fore in measures of days and not years or decades. In that sense, countries are understandably inclined to pay attention to one more than the other at this time.

Nationally, though the climate crisis has invariably been met by a fair measure of bipartisan support – the same group of technocrats has in any event run the process - few politicians have been found innocent of exhibiting a preference for partisan advantage over scientific imperative.

Key decisions in housing, public infrastructure, food production, and the application of energy alternatives have been routinely subjected to the dominance of politics over science.
Then came the pandemic and the necessary pursuit of medical solution through political decision-making.

In 2020 (and to its credit) the Trinidad and Tobago government has permitted the latitude medical science requires to guide its core agenda, whatever the shifting parameters of a brand, new challenge. There has been studious adherence, on matters of medical science, to the protocols established by regional and international organisations, including CARPHA, PAHO and WHO.

Sadly, countervailing arguments clearly aimed at achieving opportunistic political advantage are yet to establish comparative technical credentials of any kind. Press releases, defamatory Facebook posts and social media insults hardly serve as a counter to prescribed science, so under-developed has been the politics.

Universal “testing” (including anti-body tests) expressed as a form of “treatment” is being proposed as a priority and the role of (admittedly painful) lockdowns is being unadvisedly challenged as a mechanism to delay, in the absence of a vaccine, inevitable spread.

I have seen very little from such dissenting quarters regarding the science that merits serious attention, whatever the validity of concerns about the implementation of social remedies to ease the burden of measures imposed.

Meanwhile, what impresses most is the atypical subjugation of convenient politics at the hands of a scientific elite some of us never realised existed.

It is true that not all scientists have got things right every time. Big, wealthy countries have made deadly errors. But there has been an obvious, if at times uncomfortable, deference by the government to the dictates of what has been offered as medical imperative.

It might well be that at this defining moment in our history, miniscule COVID-19 successes have the potential to secure political fortunes that had begun to slip from insecure hands. But it is even more significant to note the points, however meagre, being scored by science over politics.

April 22, 2020

A social distancing primer

Wesley Gibbings

Be honest. We have all practised some form of social distancing in the pre-COVID-19 era. In most instances, but not always, it has accompanied actual physical distancing.

So, for most of us, the expert distinction between the two forms of potentially lifesaving self-quarantine has been longstanding and well established.

We all know how possible it is to work or live near someone, but yet operate socially as if they do not exist. Like that neighbour whose name you never quite got.

Like that co-worker who brings cake and other goodies to the office. The one with whom you have engaged in slack talk or gossip, but who has never been invited to your birthday party and will never be on your list of Facebook “friends.” That one.

But though social distance is not analogous to physical space, we may wish to assign to it metrical value in all its manifestations. Not centimeters, metres or kilometers, but a rating to signify a level of desired remoteness.

It may also apply to places, things, ideas and even mere words. When you hear or think of the worst of them, you feel that you need to move away. Run, even.

There are also different categories of measurement – the personal, the public and episodic developments such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

I also think the term “social distance” should be fully verbed – a transitive verb. So, for example, it constitutes a threat that I plan to “social distance” you if you say or do so or so or so.

At school, we used to “blow off” even with the student who sat next to us in class. As an adult, I once had a friend who “blew off” with me for over 10 years. I had been social distanced.

To help you understand better where I am getting at with all this, I have come up with a draft methodology to address the need to social distance people and things. It is a rating system. It goes like this: There is a scale of 1-5 – five being a measure of the furthest possible “distance” between an individual, an idea, words or a condition.

For example, my family would be in the number “1” class in the Personal Category while rapists and murderers would clearly be among those in the “5”. The least desirable ones have to be social distanced as far away as possible. The guy who sold me green sapodillas that took a month to rot would be a “4”.

Let’s have a go at the Personal Category. Do your own rating using key words. Here are some of mine:

Class 1 – Family, children, the ocean, seafood, dim sum, music, safety, beauty, freedom, wellness, sharing, “let’s do it”
Class 2 – Friends, (bright and reliable) colleagues, animals, travel, sport, books, warm weather, soft serve ice cream, oysters, “let’s think about it”, mangoes, pizza with pineapple
Class 3 – Cars, banks, insurance, house repairs, “this won’t hurt a bit”
Class 4 – Voting, dentists, offices, cold soup, mechanics, traffic jams, rock music, “trust me”
Class 5 – Murderers, rapists, cloned social media accounts, earthquakes, hurricanes, illness, surgery, fungal infections, toothaches, hoarding, aloo pie with channa.

Got it? Now, let’s skip to the COVID-19 Category:

Class 1 – Isolate, test, treat, care, “we don’t know everything, but we will pay attention”, “assume everybody else has it”, “a state of emergency won’t make you wash your hands”, PPE, “why?”
Class 2 – Research (using books), “why?”, information, news, explanations, illustrations, masks, distance, test kits, press conferences
Class 3 – “Close the borders”, “stay home”, “shut down”, “essential” services and activities, nationals locked out, “jhanjaat”, “haseekara”
Class 4 – “Race”, “test”, “they lie”, “hacked”, elections, “freak show”
Class 5 – People who use the words “Chinee”, “Venes” and “de wonpasent”, 5G, Canadian lab, flat earth, doubles, KFC, “election ploy”, Trump, state of emergency, the sun cure, “it done”, “they look for it”, garlic, ginger, Sayers.

Feel free to try this one at home. Send me your lists and see you on the other side of COVID-19, unless of course you come last in class.

April 15, 2020

Removing the masks

Wesley Gibbings

Anybody remember the first time they wore a mask? Mine was a Carnival mask – a thin plastic one parents at the time gave children for school jump-ups or simply for horsing around. I will never forget the “plasticy/paintish” smell, and the false sense of security it provided.

It must have been that very one I used when my brother, Lindsay, and (young) uncle, Francis, decided to play “jab-jab” one Carnival Monday morning in Curepe. We sewed the upper parts of old t-shirts to the masks so our hair and necks weren’t visible.

I believe we also had a large “biscuit” pan which Francis, as the biggest boy, beat while Lindsay and I aggressively tapped bottles and spoons and blew whistles. What a racket we made between St Augustine and Curepe where, hopefully under the cover of fearsome anonymity, we could extract some tips from my friend Larry’s family.

We were outside the Winter household and, because nobody knew who we were, we felt free to bang that pan and to come brutally close to breaking the bottles. Such was the noise we made.

“Wesley! Lindsay! Francis! Stop that!” went (the late, beautiful and great) Mrs Winter. But … how? Weren’t we masked? Weren’t we tucking our chins into our necks and speaking through noses, throats and mouths to sound “big”? Maybe she recognised us by our knobby knees or the fact that the three of us were a known posse.

We wore masks, damn it! She knew us. She saw us. “I see you,” she said. Larry came out and laughed loudly.

Masks later in life became distinguishable from mas’ – derived from the word ‘masquerade’ but connoting a lot more. When you play mas’, you mean to exhibit who you really are … and more. I am not a Carnival person, but I understand its creative value as ultimately a celebration of self. Contrastingly, wearing a mask usually tends to signal a desire to appear to be what you are not.

The metaphor of the mask can extend beyond the concept of the individual as well. There are countries that are today being found to have been immasked by strategic philanthropy. Groups of people and activities too. Like Mrs Winter, we however see past both veneer and outright disguise.

Nothing like covid, a crisis or carnival or general chaos to bring out the different masks. Ethnic hatred disguised as apprehension, for example. Like my knobby teenage knees, reference to “de wonpasent” exposes who and what you are. That, to me, represented the descent of the (otherwise ill-advised) security discussion into a question of “race.”

There’s also one mask for “Indo-Trinis” and another for “Afro-Trinis.” Move in against “de Chinee and dem”, “de Venes and dem.” Blow that whistle. Blow it loud. Fix your mask on your head. But just know “we see you.”

Cynical political one-upmanship and opportunity disguised as empathy. Voyeurism employed as concerned enquiry.

Light leaks so heavily behind the masks we can see the emblazed hue of your eyes. Fruits and vegetables in a heap. Not by all, I am told. Just those in masks. Fish the price of gold. Drugs in short supply. Patient records on the street like old leaves on a breezy day.

And, yes, we may all get this as wrong in the end as both the vigilant and the unvigilant. Those who have tested more, together with those who have tested less. Those who have banned and closed, and those who have chosen the path of conditional freedom. We just do not know, except that the risk of erring on the side of caution appears more compelling than a path that gambles on the unknown.

However, there is a pain that cannot hide behind masks of any kind. Not the torture of the partisans but the agony of those who care. Tell us from among those on the frontline who are they who wear the masks of deception? Or is it that they wear the masks of healing?

In the end, so many years ago, Mrs Winter served us orange juice and pelau. “I see you,” she said. “I see you.

April 1, 2020

Privilege, emergencies and the authoritarian mind

Wesley Gibbings

Who knows? It may well come to pass that some politicians and their devotees will be celebrating official incursion into the realm of civil liberties, beyond moderate public health regulations. I hope not. But the time may well come when political dexterity zig-zags over the line and further into the zone of rights.

The problem seems to be that moving at pace from persuasion to coercion remains a compulsion of the authoritarian mind with little space for in-betweenity. Such a mindset concedes little merit in the sturdiness of personal responsibility. There is only the prompt intervention of steely hands - on everyone else but “me”, of course.

Remarkably, the current measured approach to COVID-19 in T&T runs contrary to the characteristically quick resort to edict – a condition associated with a colonial legacy of routinely devalued personal and communal responsibility.

Intervention has instead been nuanced in accordance with our own reality. For while it’s true that the bigger the lime the better, and the sunnier the day the more irresistible the ocean, there is a will to live and laugh and love, whatever the circumstance.

In all this, and rather amazingly, it has been the Commissioner of Police who has reminded us of the critical difference between what we cannot do and what we should not do. Authoritarian minds do not typically detect the distinction.

Among the people who won’t get this are those who also cannot understand that something can be lawful but yet be completely wrong or inappropriate.

Along those lines, the Prime Minister had much earlier provided us with one of the more notable takeaways. “A state of emergency,” he declared, “won’t make you wash your hands.”

Contrastingly, there is an unfortunate view that the positive personal conduct of others is best achieved through compulsion. This obtains despite the fact that responsible behaviour, through choice, is provably the ultimate, sustainable approach to challenges of all shades. True, the Europeans who taught us such good manners have not set the best example, but as in the past, their agony has brought useful instruction.

Meanwhile, stick-wielding officers in India have apparently provided guidance for domestic application, judging from the online applause. If you’ve been there, you’d understand the connections better - authoritarian behaviour as the quintessential expression of privilege. Who, in those videos, is “me”?

Correspondingly, “closing the borders” and “locking down” and “beating them in the streets” will have no real negative implications for those who have already fixed their business – a month’s supply of groceries, families intact, gas in the car, internet paid up, exercise gear greased and ready.

No, I continue to insist, “everybody” was not panic-buying at the bulk-purchase stores, however impressive the photos. Many more were at the corner shops and parlours. Even more now ponder how far the salary relief grant, food card top-ups and rental relief will reach.

They are the ones for whom “physical distancing” – the more accurate term – has special meaning. They are the ones the unions are saying should not be forgotten since workers’ rights while affected, have not been erased. Pandemics level the playing field but the curve of inequity persists stubbornly.

The farmers need to tend their crops and animals, garbage men keep the communities clean and gas station pump attendants fuel the essential vehicles. They, too, like public hospital nurses and doctors need the dignity and respect of heroes.

Yet, there is a call for the wholesale suspension of rights – an intervention subject to abuse here more than once in the past, but which is now being cynically employed as political dare.

Even without it, we have already witnessed the reckless hands of enforcement early, early, even as so many of us have not forgotten its past abuse.

All of this is meant to sound an early alert. This has been written and re-written as diagnosis and crapaud-foot prescription in under 700 words. It is still good to advise that these are still early days and the actions of last resort may yet appear.

There appear to be keen, comfortably-perched cheerleaders. I am not among them.

March 25, 2020

Rights and the journalism of service

Wesley Gibbings

Many colleagues of mine, here and abroad, are not particularly fond of the term “service journalism” mainly because it seems to suggest that in the normal run of things, professional journalism does not already provide avenues for positive public and private behaviour change.

Yet, in the face of COVID-19, some rather hard-nosed international news organisations have adopted a posture of commitment to delivery of service journalism. This is explicit editorial policy, with an implied proviso that the journalistic principles of accuracy, balance, fairness and transparency will continue to not be the subject of negotiation or moral or cultural relativism.

There is also a view that the naturally adversarial nature of journalism, especially when it comes to political power, can be compromised through docile obeisance to official edict in pursuit of what is considered to be actions in the public interest.

This is usually the case in areas of the world where recovery from conflict and other trauma requires the management of information often in tacit conflict with the presumed right to know. Even then, “because I said so” is not considered to be an option.

However, journalists usually concede reasonable derogations of rights on the basis of national security imperatives, the restoration of public order, and issues related to public health. The latter - access to public health - is itself a human right and embraces a variety of “patient rights” including the right to privacy. Non-observance of such a principle can signify gross irresponsibility by all concerned.

It is however discomfiting to encounter a dismissal of “rights” as being an integral part of the terrain to be navigated in the face of a crisis or emergency. Journalists, media enterprises and civil society actors are entitled to become anxious and uncomfortable when they hear such language, and it is a requirement of their jobs to ask questions about such declarations and the issues to which they relate – even if they appear to be uninformed or “stupid” queries.

Chronic state secrecy and the absence of free speech run contrary to best practices in the face of an emergency. China is cited as a worst-case scenario, and there are others. But I do not consider this to be the case anywhere in the Caribbean where we are dealing with small populations and the prospect of devastation that will not bear a partisan or provincial stamp.

Why would any Caribbean government conceal statistics on the number of afflicted persons? So that it would not “look bad”? This is a ludicrous assertion. But it does not negate the need for journalists to continue asking and prying and challenging.

Everywhere, in the Caribbean, there are journalists who are today asking the questions, writing the stories and being relied upon to be faithful and factual storytellers – full of pimples and imperfections – but trying what they consider to be their best to deliver truth to audiences.

There have been a few instances of malpractice and they have been promptly prosecuted in the court of public opinion. It is good that we are challenged and brought in line, if only because whenever push comes to shove, people will have a choice between unreliable, partisan part-timers in their beds at home, and journalists in the line of fire and in the trenches.

I pay special tribute to all our Caribbean colleagues at this time, but want to mention the media community in Guyana which, as put by one journalist there, confronts the combined assaults of COVID-19 and GECOM-20 – GECOM being the Guyana Elections Commission.

If you thought what media practitioners face here was bad, try journalism in the face of an inconclusive electoral outcome since March 2, and the deadly onset of COVID-19.

Even so, as is the case here, there has been no letup by those whose primary agenda is the undermining of journalism in order to occupy the spaces currently held by independent media outfits. At the current rate, things are not set to end very well there.

In the end, journalism that serves the people faithfully will be viewed as the best option yet. Whether we describe it as either “service” or just “good” journalism.


March 18, 2020

COVID-19 and the flattening of the curve

Wesley Gibbings

It’s still relatively early COVID-19 days for us in the Caribbean, but I think it’s time we start considering the ways the global impact of the pandemic is likely to change our lives forever – for better or for worse.

The peaks and troughs of outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics are frequently described as statistical growth curves to be “flattened” through interventions that avoid an otherwise unavoidable explosion.

The experience with even less extreme events is that a lasting flattening of multiple social, economic and political curves can accompany such episodes.

It is true that the medically more vulnerable, together with the poor and financially disadvantaged, are called to bear an equal but intrinsically inequitable share of the burden, but it is also a fact that the burden of a pandemic crosses the divides as effectively as natural disasters and the inevitability of death.

It is thus difficult not to make constant reference to what I have been referring to as the “legacy” issues that relate to the world of work, lifestyles, public healthcare delivery, the use of technology, and the general power dynamics of domestic and global politics.

As we speak, the mighty are being brought to their knees and a disassembling of the structures of power and influence is already in evidence. Who would have thought that through all its wealth and political power, Europe (as was the case 1500 years ago with the Bubonic Justinian Plague) would grind to the screeching halt we are now witnessing?

Who would have guessed that the mighty USA would have found itself stuck on the crease, on the back foot, with a bouncer en route with pace to its unhelmeted head?

But all of this is not a new or original contemplation. Our planet has experienced life-changing pandemics in the past that have caused gigantic shifts comparable to the incidence of global warfare and accompanying dramatic changes in geo-political power and influence.

Europe’s 14th Century Bubonic disaster, which claimed up to two-thirds of the population of the continent is thought to have contributed to the eventual dissolution of the feudal state. There were also significant impacts, positive and negative, on farming practices and the process of urbanisation.

Could it be that COVID-19 has played a role in the carbon emissions discussions more than any global commitment of the past 20 years? Could it just be that the value of virtual workspaces has, by force, been finally established? Likewise, the unavailability of schools has not necessarily meant the absence of schooling.

It is also advisable, at this stage, to consider what happened when the HIV/AIDS pandemic peaked in the latter part of the 1900s and took the lives of tens of millions of people.

We have already had to address issues of social stereotyping, stigma and discrimination, harmful disinformation, and compliance with a reorienting of behaviours – “protection”, the role of clinical testing and other lasting features of our response to the virus.

It has also proven inadvisable to focus purely on fatality rates (as important as they are), especially now that current interventions at national levels, guided by the timely acquisition of knowledge are more likely than not to save countless lives and minimise suffering – providing people in the regular conduct of their lives take basic precautions.

There still are too many who do not accept that, at one level, it’s simply a matter of claiming adequate social space, washing your hands, and avoiding contact with eyes, nose and mouth - personal responsibility as the ultimate solution.

Beyond that, workers, employers, parents and citizens, are being called upon to make changes in the ways they have conceptualised their relationships with their natural and social environments.

Governments are now being forced to recalibrate revenue and expenditure estimates in the face of assured fiscal crises while addressing critical and otherwise under-served needs in the social services sector. Food import substitution remains a compelling option along with reduced reliance on imported consumer durables, even as aviation and shipping lanes close.

It might just be that we are all in a rendezvous with economic disaster, but maybe, just maybe, the flattening of the curve also brings with it a new dispensation in which hope can find space through which to shine more brightly than it has in recent times.


March 4, 2020

The COVID-19 challenge - finding antidotes for ignorance and fear 

Wesley Gibbings

There is absolutely no denying that the COVID-19 outbreak is among the more serious global challenges of its kind we have experienced in recent memory. Its spread has been rapid. It has already reached close to 60 countries and there is a 2% - 3% fatality rate, though more than 80% of its patients have suffered only “mild” effects.

It is only a matter of time before we begin confirming cases right here in T&T, maybe even before this column goes to press.

The virus is already nearby and because closing our borders and shutting down the country are not options, we need to focus on controlling its spread and impact when it arrives. 

There is no medication to “heal” it and, so far, no vaccine to guard against it. What’s required are proper diagnoses, together with adequate isolation and treatment regimes, and acute public awareness of all facets of the disease.

The experts have suggested that controlling its spread also requires a very high level of personal responsibility.

Unfortunately, this does mesh neatly with our collective predisposition on such matters. We have proven, sadly, not to be readily inclined to favour personal and communal obligation over mandatory official intervention.

For example, the minister of health was once ridiculed for suggesting that people’s health are their individual responsibility - the routine obligations of public institutions notwithstanding.

There are, certainly, legitimate concerns regarding vulnerable groups such as dialysis and cancer patients at public institutions who have raised questions about what happens should they contract the virus. The ministry needs to have clear protocols available to these people in plain language. Healthcare professionals should also be adequately equipped.

It is also not one of those issues for which a reward of cheap political points should be contemplated. I have been watching the various puerile stirrings. This is a matter for medical science, not politics, my friends. This is not going to earn anybody any new votes.

There is also no government ministry walking beside you 24/7. There’s just you and the people in your environment – at home, school, in the workplace and public spaces.

So, wash your hands properly. Do not touch your face. Cover your coughs and sneezes with tissue you dispose of properly. Avoid close contact with people who are ill. Stay at home if you are unwell. Regularly clean doorknobs and other frequently touched areas. The drill is pretty straightforward.

When it comes to overall management of the current challenge, the main enemies remain ignorance, superstition, conspiracy theories, xenophobia and racism, and general panic – treatments for which are always difficult to administer.

I am thus committed to ignoring politicians, religious folks, witch doctors and anonymous WhatsApp dispatches on this subject. Within this “infodemic” lie serious perils to be avoided. National, regional and international institutions are all releasing very useful advice and information. Stop saying there is no information. It’s there. Get it and share it.

Though social media reach in T&T is in the order of 62%, onward transmission of official data and information via the much more widely used WhatsApp has been conspicuously accelerated on this question – though some (not all) of it is rumour, misinformation and, in some cases, sheer mischief.

It is best to rely mainly on information disseminated by the Ministry of Health, CARPHA, PAHO and WHO – all of whom have released guidelines on the spread of the disease and measures for self-protection. Caricom has also activated a regional protocol establishing minimum standards for dealing with the virus.

Outside of the key official institutions, be sceptical about other sources of information that reach your phone, tablet or laptop.

Even so, official information now frequently contends with numerous conspiracy theories and other nonsenses that have not helped ease our tendency to panic and in the process ignore sensible, authoritative advice.

We also live in an environment in which rumour finds pervasively fertile terrain. Conducting a test for the virus does not constitute a confirmation.

The point of all of this today is that while the state has its undoubted share of obligations, stemming the spread of pandemic in the end falls to personal responsibility as a fairly effective safeguard, together with finding antidotes for prevailing ignorance and accompanying fear.

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