World Press Freedom Day 2011 is special for
more than one reason. Not only is it 20 years since the endorsement of the
Windhoek Declaration in Namibia that gave birth to these observances all over
the world, but this year also marks the 10th anniversary of the inauguration of
the Association of Caribbean MediaWorkers (ACM).
In many respects, the circumstances that
led to the assembling of international journalists in the southern African
state in 1991 were not much different from the imperatives that brought
Caribbean journalists together in Bridgetown, Barbados in 2001. Neither can we
discern many fundamental differences from the world we meet in the year 2011,
with respect to the over-riding concern that freedom of expression faces stark
challenges in the face of wider social, political and global military conflict.
There is the unfortunate tendency in this
part of the world to assume a level of global insulation - that it is possible
to erect some kind of impervious shield against approaching outbreaks of
democracy and liberation. There is also the assumption that a defence of
cultural relativism is sufficient to address hybrid versions of free societies
that provide the right to choose political administrations but restrict the
right to hold them up to wider and deeper inspection through the work of a free
and unfettered press.
For this reason, World Press Freedom Day
provides a worthwhile avenue to stress the indivisibility of the right
enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – freedom
of expression in all its manifestations. It is important to note what Article
19 actually says: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression;
this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek,
receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of
Relate this now to the year 2011 and the
theme of this year’s World Press Freedom Day observances: “21st Century Media:
New Frontiers, New Barriers.” It is clear the social and political requirements
to achieve the ideals of free expression declared in 1948 remain absolutely
pertinent to the challenges of 2011. In the Caribbean, there is particular
relevance, especially within the context of our essentially authoritarian, post-colonial
Regional telecommunications regulators
whose political genetics predispose them to command and control, wish to
explore new barriers to the new frontiers of smart phones, tablet PCs and a
tireless, besieged worldwide web. Politicians insist on retention of criminal
defamation statutes despite the evidence that they pose a danger to free speech
and freedom of the press.
In this regard, we call on the government
of Jamaica and all other Caribbean community countries to take action to erase
the common law offences of criminal libel including blasphemous, obscene and
seditious libel from their statute books. It is a position endorsed by a Joint
Select Committee of the Jamaican parliament in 2008, following submission of
the Justice Hugh Small Report that very year.
Though the media landscape in the Caribbean
is undergoing a measure of change, such change is not being matched by a
corresponding revolution in official mind-set. Despite repeated promises, the
government of Guyana persists in its refusal to award new radio broadcasting
licenses and has used state advertising revenues as a tool of media punishment
and reward. The state media in Trinidad and Tobago still wrestle with the
spectre of political control and there is evidence that a coercive broadcast
content quota system will return, courtesy state regulators, to the front
burner in due course.
The majority of Caribbean Community
countries have also not passed access to information laws. The presence of such
laws is a prerequisite to declaration of the bona fides of a Caribbean country
as one committed to transparency and accountability. In instances where such
laws exist, it is also important to ensure they are truly providing unfettered
access to official information in the way originally intended.
We would further urge political figures to
shun the inclination to blame media messengers in an attempt to vilify the
media for stories unfavourable to them.
Finally, the ACM also finds cause to note
the extent to which factors within the media industry itself are providing
obstacles to the achievement of a truly free press. Poor media performance, oppressive
industrial relations environments, endemic self-censorship, incompetent media
leadership and a lack of professional commitment by media practitioners provide
a tragic basis for erosion of free expression and a free press.
We note with concern that the loss of jobs
in the news media industry can serve to weaken the fabric of press freedom and
free expression. This is particularly disconcerting when we witness
declarations of increased corporate profits even as poor financial performance
has been cited as the reason for layoffs and cutbacks.
The ACM and its national affiliates and
focal points are building a platform for media workers to undertake the work
necessary to address some of these shortcomings. It has taken us 10 years to
reach where we are.
We look forward to the day the regional
media leadership takes up the challenge as well.
We note the work of the Media Association
of Jamaica, the Trinidad and Tobago Publishers’ and Broadcasters’ Association
and the fledgling Guyana Media Owners’ Association. Hopefully, like the media
workers, the captains of the regional media industry will someday provide a
united, cohesive front in the face of the new and old barriers to new and old
frontiers, as they did in the past. In the ACM you will in fact meet a worthy
ally. We wish for the people of the Caribbean to find in us some assurance that
the freedoms we fought for in the past remain lived realities and do not slip
from our grasp.